Day In The Slums

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(A/n; Funny note, I like how everyone's questioning how Y/n got the Black wing but some fans know that I explained all that through dialogue in the beginning of the previous chapter. Here's some advice, re-read the previous chapter, then come back. For all of you who don't get it yet, the answer lies later on.)

*Bam!* Your eyes shot open, but you looked around to see nobody... around. "Tifa must've headed off. My head is killing me though."

You stood up and picked up your sword, quickly checked your wing in the mirror. "Sigh...Tifa's right. I need to stretch the old feathers more."

You walked out of the room after you made sure you had everything, but you found a note on the door. "Hm? What's..."

'Y/n, if you're reading this, then you are awake! Sorry I didn't wake you, you looked so comfortable. Anyway, don't forget what we gotta do today, and let's let Cloud sleep in. Me and you both know he doesn't get much good rest. You know where to find me!

XOXO, Love Tifa Lockhart.'

"Hehe, that woman will never stop being adorable." You said and a little Tifa was drawn in the corner of the page, pointing to the right. You flipped the page and saw another quick message.

'P.S. Don't let the Landlady intimate you.'

"Pfft, I've handled demons, robots, and beasts. I think I can handle a landlady." You said as you walked down from stairs. An old lady was waiting and looking out at the bottom, you saw the morning was shining bright, a little too bright.

"Well now, you must be this Y/n in hearing about." the woman said as you looked at her.

"Is my name famous or something?" You asked her as she shook her head.

"Only to some people, and I happen to be one of those 'some' people. I'm Marle, your landlady. So how'd you like the place? I know it's a touchy subject, but where are you from?" Marle asked as you looked at your katana.

"I come from a village pretty far away from here...but I've had to move around." You told her and she moved her head up and down, more like she was taking in information.

"It's no matter, hon. We have all kinds of people here, with all types of reasons too." Marle stated and you crossed your arms.

"I bet, many people living down in the slums have many different experiences. But maybe it's because of that, we can thrive and ask for help." You smiled and Marle smiled at you.

"You can ask me for advice anytime you'd like, even about Tifa." she said as you raised an eyebrow and stopped crossing your arms, resting them at your side.

"What's her relationship with you? I'm not getting the 'too friendly villain' vibe from you." You asked her and she quickly gained a serious look.

"The granddaughter I never had, if you so much as hurt her, I'll take it out of your hide." She pulled your shirt closer as you sweated a little.

"Duly noted." You said and she let you go, and patted your shirt.

"Good, I'll help Cloud with the tour when he wakes up. You better get a move on to Seventh Heaven, Tifa's got a big head start and then some." You nodded and then walked down the street. You passed by an item shop, and thought you saw a key shaped blade in the window, but it must have been fake. You've seen the real deal in action. You soon entered the bar and saw Tifa on the corner.

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