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I knew it was going to take me a while to come to terms with this pregnancy.

It was a lot to fathom, to think about, to be scared about, all of it. Nonetheless, I knew the one person that could make all my worries melt away at last. 

I folded my arms in front of me as I left the central city of Wakanda for the villages on the rural side of the small country. It was a warm evening. The setting sun cast a golden glow across the fields and small huts families or children had created for themselves. Compared to where I had been trapped mentally my entire life, this was nothing short of comforting. No wonder Bucky loved it so much.

Suddenly, a weight attached itself to my leg. I had to stop myself from yelling out of surprise before I took a look at what just happened. Upon gazing down, a small Wakandan boy had his arms wrapped around my leg. He was staring up at me, a huge smile on his face as he lifted one of his arms to wave.

He said something in Wakandan that I couldn't quite make out. Bucky had never taught me the language, nor have I lived here long enough to learn it on my own. I shrugged, rubbing the back of my neck, "I... uh, don't know how to sp-"

The little boy understood what I was trying to say, grabbing my wrist and pulling me toward the lake on the outskirts of the village. A group of children was gathered around something or someone, giggling and shouting different phrases in Wakandan. Some of them were playing on the shores of the lake, others throwing a ball back and forth in bliss. It was the pinnacle of childhood innocence, and the beauty of it was unmatched.

When the little boy drew me closer, I could make out the silhouette of an adult sitting in the middle of all these children, speaking in Wakandan. "Bucky?"

 Some of the children looked up when I spoke, giggling and scurrying away from the once close-knit circle they had. Beneath the dispersed kids, Bucky was sitting there, with flowers covering his shorter hair. A little girl was hanging on his metal arm, babbling in Wakandan to him about her day.

Bucky turned, a huge smile plastered on his face. A loose daisy fell from behind his ear and onto the ground beside him. "Look who finally decided to join us!" 

I have known Bucky practically my entire life. But I have never seen him this comfortable before. It was like he had lived here this whole time, becoming a father figure to all these happy-go-lucky kids eager for the next adventure. It was refreshing to see him so happy. I could only hope that it stayed that way once I told him the news.

He opened his other arm for me, which I graciously took as I moved to sit beside him on the lake's shore. My head fell to his shoulder, my eyes fluttering closed as my hand moved to my flat stomach.

Come on, just do it...

"What made you so inclined to come out here and meet the kids?" He asked quietly, his flesh hand gently rubbing my exposed shoulder.

"I... uh, well, I wanted to see you but, the kids got to me first. They're all adorable."  I commented, "You're like a father to them."

He laughed and shook his head, "Well... I guess the father figure makes sense in this situation. To them, I am the White Wolf. This zen and loving individual just trying to get by." he chuckled, looking down as his arm gently pulled me to his chest. "Anyway, how are you?"

I cleared my throat, lifting my head so I could get a good look into his eyes. "I... I have to tell you something. You're free to react however you'd like, I'm still a little confused myself so..."

His joyful expression fell into one of concern quickly. "What's wrong? You're scaring me, come on... whatever it is, it can't be that bad."

I made myself maintain eye contact with him, swallowing the thick fear filling my throat. "I'm... I'm pregnant, Bucky... with our baby."

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