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We were racing against time.

It was only a matter until our target managed to disable all three helicarriers. If he did, we would be punished dearly and have failed our mission. I refuse to leave this place without killing him. 

Since we had set out on our mission, I separated from the Soldier for a short while to cover more ground. I was used to having the Soldier's brute force as my backup, but this time around, I needed to be on my own. 

I reached to my back holster, grabbing the titanium spear off the magnet. I pressed the silver button at the base, two scalpel-sharp daggers protruding from either end. I held the spear straight out, stabbing it into the stomach of an unlucky pilot. A few gunshots were heard beside me, followed by the start-up of a jet. I looked up, seeing the Soldier in the pilot seat.

I growled under my breath, "Fucking bastard..." 

Out of options, I unhooked a grenade from my belt, pulling the hook with my teeth and spitting it out. I threw it into one of the last jets, exploding the person inside to bits. With the ground littered with bodies, I opened the last jet door and climbed in. There was only one thing left to do.

I found the Soldier's jet parked on top of the last and highest helicarrier. I touched down, jumping out of the pilot's seat and onto the tarmac. My knuckles were white from holding onto the spear so hard, the silver glinting in the sunlight. I still struggled to fathom how the sun could be shining at such a dark time.

A hand wrapped around my wrist, tugging me behind a tied-down pile of cargo crates. My back hit the ground, arming the blade of my spear right up at the assailant's throat. The tip of the blade just grazed the skin.

"Get that off of me!" I heard a familiar voice yell in Russian. A metal hand grabbed the base of my spear, tugging it downward away from his throat.

The Soldier's face finally came into view, his hair messy and covering his eyes. I reached out, brushing the strands of brown locks away from his face. "Well, I apologize, Mr. I leave my partner to fend for herself."

He rolled his eyes and slapped a hand over my mouth, "Would you shut up? We have company."

I looked up, hearing the whir of mechanical wings retracting. I peeked above the crates, tilting my head. "It's them."

The one with the shield walked past us first, allowing the Soldier time to jump out. He braced his titanium arm, booting the man off the side of the helicarrier. One eliminated, one to go. The one with the wings attempted to jump off the side to save his friend but was quickly apprehended by the Soldier's arm. The man fell onto the tarmac and looked up, furrowing his brows. "Shit!"

I grabbed my spear from my back holster, climbing onto the pile of crates and jumping onto the man's wings. I grabbed ahold of them, yelling as I attempted to rip them from their sockets. This feat was unsuccessful as I was thrown to the ground soon after. I grimaced, an array of gunshots ringing in my ears as the man attempted to shoot out the Soldier. 

Yet again was I pulled behind the crates. The Soldier looked down at me, his eyes wide with adrenaline. He smirked, "You know what to do." he whispered.

At first- I couldn't help but be confused. My gaze flickered upward when I heard the whir getting closer, my breath hitching in my throat. The Solider groaned, "I'll buy you some time."

He pressed into the trigger of his gun, a metal tether shooting from the barrel and piercing the man's wing. He tugged him back to the ground, tearing the wing right from his socket. I climbed out of hiding and aimed my spear at his other wing. My lips curled into a smile as I shifted my aim to his forehead, throwing the dagger right at the skin. To my surprise, he rolled out of the way, stumbling to his feet. The spear split into the concrete, stuck in place. 

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