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Shining rays of light seeped into the dark trimmed windows. My eyes adjusting slowly in response to the lack of darkness. This was the first time in months I had woken up from the sound of birds and sunlight seeping through the darkness rather than a night terror.

I looked down, excepting to find Lucy laying against my chest, only to find an empty space. The blankets were folded neatly on top of each other, the pillows on the ground beside them. As if she was never there.

That wasn't all a dream, right?

I placed a hand on my head, closing my eyes and running my hands through my hair. "Damn it." I hissed under my breath, getting to my feet.


Lucy and Karli know each other through other affairs before Lucy reconnected with Bucky. At this time- Lucy still hates Bucky's guts with a passion- so why not be against him?

I quickly glanced down at my phone. 15 missed calls and 27 text messages. I swear you spend one night in a man's apartment and he becomes obsessed with you.

"Lucy! Get over here!" Karli called out to me from the truck, to which we were loading vaccines into them.

I approached the back of the truck, a grin on her face as she waved. She tossed me a mask, "Put it on, or at least have it close. You're going to need it when those two fall for our stupid plan." she whispered.

A laugh escaped my lips at that, catching the mask and putting it in my backpack. "They'll be chasing us. I know they're after the flag-smashers. It'll throw them off that I'm here."

She nodded as the last container was loaded in. I went to sit down before I heard the echoing sound of metal banging against each other. I froze, a small smirk resting on my face as I looked back at the other soldiers. "Come on, it's nothing. Get in!"

The other soldiers looked up at me before getting in the two trucks, the swinging steel doors shutting behind them. "Jeez... They weren't kidding when they said they wanted to black us out." I joked.

Karli shook her head and chuckled softly, "I know, right? How rude. I suggest getting behind a container so he doesn't recognize you."

It was only a matter of time before the darkness was infiltrated by the cloudy skies behind it. Bucky's silhouette was standing in the opening, taking slow steps as his gloved hands ran over the vaccine crates.  My gaze didn't leave him.

That suit looks good on him.

I hummed quietly to myself as Karli crept out of the darkness, being met with a friendly Bucky. I narrowed my eyes. However, my look of distaste turned to one of joy when Karli kicked him into the other truck. I put the black mask over my face, climbing to the top of the truck Karli grabbed Bucky's arm, throwing him into my arms so I could restrain him.

I locked my elbows under his arms. I could feel the strain of his metal arm beneath his uniform. Redwing attempted to free Bucky, but Karli broke the drone before it could near us both.

"I've always wanted to do that..." Bucky spoke breathlessly, looking back at me.

I leaned down next to his ear, "остаться вниз, это для вашего же блага."

epiphany || bucky barnesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora