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"John, I told you we were keeping this relationship strictly PR. You're not coming in."

John pushed past me anyway, anger etched in his features as he took off his jacket. "Hell no. I wasn't done with you before you decided to leave like the coward you are!"

A huff left my parted lips as my fists clenched. "You have no idea what was happening when I left you! Plus how else am I supposed to respond when you shove me into a bunch of metal lockers?! Do you expect me to be okay with that? Make me listen to you more? You're so painfully wrong!"

A hand grabbed my collar, pulling me close as my eyes widened in fear. Menacing blue eyes glared back at me. "You're only here because of ME! You were only pardoned because you got high one night on the streets and I just so happened to find you-"

"You tried to take me home with you, you fucking pervert! Just because I was stoned doesn't mean I need some poser like you to come and 'save me'!" I screamed in return, kicking him away from me and stumbling out of his grip. A cough managed to escape my already dry throat.

"You're weak without me, you're NOTHING without me!" John yelled, lunging at me again as I shuffled out of the way. I brought my arm up to protect my head as I watched him. "The government has your trigger words! I'll find them and I can prove to this world that you will never be stable! You'll always be a weapon!"

My eyes widened at that. Anger, sadness, and fear welled in my eyes as I tried to stand up, my heart pounding in my chest. He grabbed my shirt collar again, slapping me hard across the cheek. A cry left my lips, followed by a harsh glare as I raised my fist.

"I told you to STAY AWAY!" I screamed, punching him hard across the face in return. Enough for him to drop me to my knees as I grabbed my phone from the kitchen counter. I believe he sometimes forgets exactly who he is dealing with.

John's eyes widened when he realized what he had done, "Lucy- Lucy,  baby I'm so sorry! I don't know what got into me! This wasn't my fault- I promise- I didn't mean what I said!"

I dialed the number on the crumpled piece of the paper Dr. Raynor had given me the day before. I pressed the call button, bringing the phone to my ear with my other hand going to soothe my burning cheek.

"Get out of my apartment before I can't handle my anger anymore, John. Get out before I do something we both regret!" I hissed under my breath.

John shook his head, "No- I- You need to listen to me! I'd never dig up your past, you know that's not who I am!"

"I said GET OUT!"

John jumped slightly at the raise in my tone, leaving the room immediately and turning to take one last look at me. "I'll be back la-"

I shut the door in his face, "No!"

Bucky answered the call on the other line, "Hello?"

"Bucky? It's Lucy. I need a place to stay for the night. You're the only other person I know who lives around here." I sighed on the other line, staring at the fading slap mark in the mirror.

"Wait- what?! Lucy? You're telling me Dr. Raynor actually listened to me for once?" His voice spoke on the other hand.

"James! Not now! Give me your address, I just need the floor."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll text them to you now."

I brought the phone down from my ear, wiping the tears pricking at the corners of my eyes as I sniffled. "Christ..."


I impatiently knocked at the door, my foot tapping furiously. He had a nice place for a guy that was living off of a pardon. The Wakandans probably helped him out after he was blipped back. Bucky answered, opening the wooden door.

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