Chapter 5: heart to heart

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"We thought it'd be fun" Darius began

"We thought we'd be safe, but...we didn't realise the...horror waiting for us on the island" his voice breathy and serious, very dramatic so much so I was on the edge of my seat



"Screaming, so much screaming" as he continues I feel my heart race slightly this is great.

"How much screaming?" Ben's voice spoke up from where he was practically on Kenji's lap, latching on to him the sight making me want to laugh

"Shhh he's getting to the good part" Kenji says to the poor boy clawing into his arm.

"The T-rex stalked closer"

"her jaws open wide"

Suddenly a click goes off followed by a light we all turn to Brooklyn with questioning glares, "For the Vlog, keep telling your little story" she continues making me roll my eyes.

'Well that totally ruined the mood...'

With a sigh he goes to continue, making me and Kenji move forward on our seats "the T-rex--" he didn't get to finish as he was once again interrupted my the pink haired girl "Dang, out of space, I'm sorry, hold on" I let out a sigh standing up to leave

"Hey, where you going?" I let out a grunt at Darius's question "uhh to get something to snack on" I didn't want to be rude and tell them I'm over it, before they could protest I head inside "maybe a snack wouldn't be so bad" I head for the kitchen grabbing a chocolate covered cereal bar.

I decide to take a seat by the door watching everyone charge inside to escape the suddenly pouring rain, staring out at the rain I smile and take a deep breath loving the scent that fills the air.

Darius Pov

"Thanks a lot Brooklyn" I mumble following everyone inside

"You okay?" I hear a voice by the door I wasn't expecting, causing me to jump slightly broken from thought, "it's just me and I promise I don't bite" she says making me smile "much, tho I do nibble from time to time" she sends a wink my way.

"I'm fine just annoyed you know...or was annoyed" It's strange but I feel much less annoyed I guess she just has that affect.

"Well for what it's worth, it was a pretty cool story, had me on the edge of my seat" I send her a grateful smile deciding to take seat next to her, "thanks, my dad use to be great at telling stories" I suddenly feel a warmth on my hand drawing my attention from the rain I feel my cheeks heat up seeing Y/n placed her hand over mine sending a soft smile my way before a far away look takes over her facial features, I catch myself caught in a trance, focused on her eyes they where a beautiful y/e/c they held so much depth, and emotion, but more than that they looked almost like they had crushed glass in them making look unique and completely different from anything I've ever seen before, I follow from her eyes to her nose and lips that are drawn into a slight pout as she gently bites her lip, she is really beautiful, not pretty, not cute just absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.

"I'm sorry" her sudden voice breaking my stare, I shake my head "uhh, right it's okay" my voice breaks slightly to the end as I clear my throat looking away to hide my blush

"Still I know it's hard to lose someone you care about" her voice was soft and filled with pain, her grip on my hand tightening "not that I can say that"

Silence filled the air between us in the most comfortable way

"Hey's it possible to miss someone you never knew?" I didn't know what to say so I just kept quite and squeezed her hand in comfort

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