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It was a summer sunday, mid- night and Seoul place is cold and peaceful. Since it's summer days, Yeji and Ryujin were always together. That's the least thing they can share together as a couple.

Today, they've celebrated their 10 months anniversary. The two first revealed their relationship to the girls and they were happy for them. Then Ryujin finally introduced her best friend to her parent as her girlfriend. And after a couple of weeks, Yeji called her parent telling her she's in a relationship with Ryujin. Even so, Ryujin never met her family. And lastly, Yeji told her grandmother about it which she never approved. But it didn't became a reason for them to break up.

Tonight, Yeji and Ryujin were inside Ryujin's room since Yeji decided to sleep over the girl's place. She joined Ryujin's family for a dinner and after that, they sneaked over Ryujin's room with a box of pizza.

Right now, it's 9:00 pm. Ryujin was sitting on the edge of her bed while Yeji is facing her as she gave her girlfriend a small retouch. She told Ryujin that she want to see how would Ryujin look when she applies smoky eye make ups into her.

"Yeddeong, for how long are we going to take this make up?" Ryujin asked as she watched Yeji grab some stuffs from her make up kit.

"Relax babe. It doesn't matter how long it takes as long as I get the perfect make over." Yeji mumbled as she turned her attention back to Ryujin with a lipstick on her hand.

"Make it faster Hwang." Ryujin tried to tease.

Yeji just giggled as she brought her lipstick up to Ryujin's kissable lips and starts to cover her bare lips with the red shaded lipstick.

In that moment, Yeji couldn't focused properly with doing her make up because of the image she's having right infront of her. She felt like she wants to kiss those lips more than what she's doing right now.

She bit her lips secretly as she finished putting lipstick on Ryujin's lips. Little did she know, Ryujin noticed how she tried to hold back her urge.

Ryujin just giggled in her girlfriend's cuteness.

"Alright. Your lipstick is perfect. Now let's work with your eye shadows." Yeji happily squealed as she grabbed her eye shadow kit from the pouch.

"Aren't you finish?" Ryujin whined.

"No, relax Ryuddaeng. We'll get done in a minute." Yeji mumbled as she opened the kit and chose the perfect shade for Ryujin's eye shadow.

"Close your eyes baby." Yeji order softly waiting for Ryujin to close her eyes before she could apply the make up on.

Ryujin obeyed and rolled eyes playfully before she close it which she receive a small chuckle from Yeji.

And then she quickly applied the make up on Ryujin's eye lids. It took her a minute to perfectly finish the shading on the left eye, this time Yeji moved to the other eye doing the same thing.

In that moment, Ryujin's eyes were closed but she felt the warm breathe of her girlfriend against her face. Their faces were only inches away from each other.

Sooner, she felt Yeji stopped working on her make up, they're probably done. The raven slowly lit her eye opened but suddenly, she felt a pair of warm lips colliding into her.

Ryujin instantly jumped in surprised and when she thought about it, she finally realized that Yeji's closing the distance of their lips. Just because the girl couldn't resist her kissable lips, she just practically pulled Ryujin's nape as they sealed their lips together.

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