The Unquiet Dead

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After having a quick, chips stop in London, we made our way back into TARDIS. I was ready to go on another adventure. There is so much to see out there, not only is there the history and future of our planet, but the history and future of every planet out there! There's so much I don't know, so much I don't understand, I never want to stop. This is amazing, fantastic, this is so much more than any life I could have every even dreamed about, and I'm living it. Sure it can get hard and scary, but so much of life is, and if people stopped doing things that scared them, we wouldn't be where we are today.

I'm brought out of my deep thoughts by an extremely harsh shake of the TARDIS, I fall out of my spot in the jump seat and land face first on the floor.

"Hold that one down!"

"I am holding that one down!

"Well hold them both down! Better yet, Lily get over there and help out Rose!" I jump up as the Doctor calls my name, knocking me out of my slight shock. I run towards Rose and she points to the doodad I'm meant to hold down.

"It's not going to work!" She complains as the alarms keep going off and the flight doesn't seem to smooth out.

"Oi! I promised you a time machine, and that's what you're getting!" He promises as he runs around trying to fix things. "Now you've seen the future, let's have a look at the past. 1860, how does 1860 sound."

"What happened in 1860?" I question as it doesn't seem to stand out to me in any way.

"I don't know, let's find out! Here we go!" He grins as he sets us on the course for 1860. I laugh at the goofy look on his face, and I keep laughing as we're thrown to floor as the TARDIS lands. I end up in between the Doctor and Rose, my head on her stomach and my feet tangled in his.

"Blimey!" I chuckle as I try to disentangle myself from the Doctor.

"You're telling me," He laughs back at me as he easily stands and holds out his hands to help me up, "you alright?" He asks.

I nod back at him, "Yeah I'm good, Rose broke most of my fall," I turn back to her and help her up, "thanks for that," I tease as she holds her head, "Yeah, sure. No problem." She rolls her eyes with a smile on her face, letting me know that she's okay.

"That's the second time I've ended on the ground in less than ten minutes. You've created a new record Doctor." I tease him, but Rose snorts, "And that's saying some, Lily isn't the most stable person."

I scoff at her, and dramatically shout, "I'm gravitationally challenged, and it's not nice to make fun of me for that!" My face is totally serious and it causes the Doctor and Rose to bust up laughing, again.

"Where are we, anyway?" I ask, drawing their attention away from me. The Doctor looks at one of the screens "I did it! Give the man a medal! Earth, Naples December 24, 1860." He beams over at us, very impressed with himself.

"That's so weird, it's Christmas. It's Christmas, in 1860. Happens once, just once, and it's gone, it's finished. It'll never happen again, except for you. You can go back and see days that are dead and gone a hundred thousand sunsets ago. No wonder you never stay still, I wouldn't either." I ruminate as I look up at him. He's simply smiling at me as I wonder in amazement at his life, at him.

"Not a bad life."  He confirms with a smile and a small shrug.

I smirk up at him as I say, "Better with two- three." I quickly correct myself, kind of forgetting that Rose was there. I can hear her chuckle from behind me, and I turn to face her instead, hiding my blush from him.

How did I forget about Rose?

Rose continues to laugh at me as I wait for my face to return to a normal color. The second it does, I'm off, "Come on!" I try to run over to the doors, but the Doctor catches my arm, pulling me back.

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