Chapter 9

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Karl POV

I wake up with my and Sapnap's bodies entangled for what seems like the 100th time this week and it's only Thursday. Although cuddling together isn't all bad, in fact it's far from bad. I really love being this close to Sap. It makes me feel safe and warm. I look down at the sleeping boy on my chest, his arms wrapped loosely around my belly, one of his hands slightly under the edge of my hoodie resting on my skin. His hair's a mess partially covering his pretty face, his chest rising and falling with each gentle breath he takes. I carefully reach over him and grab my phone checking the time and my notifications. I groan realizing it's only 9:00 am so Sap won't be waking up on his own any time soon, and I don't have any notifications to keep me busy. I mindlessly scroll through Instagram for an hour, nothing really peaking my interest.

'I'm sorry to do this Sappy but I'm super bored' I think to myself as roll out from under the sleepy man on top over me

He whimpers a bit then pulls me back into his grasp burying his face into my hair

"Just a few more minutes you're so warm" he mumbles into my hair

"No Sappy I want to go somewhere with George today it's been forever since we've hung out" I counter back in attempt to get him off of me

He sits up and looks a little jealous? Angry? I'm not sure which one maybe both.

"You're hanging out with George today?" he asks with an attitude

"Well I plan too I haven't texted him yet, but I'm sure he doesn't have anything to do" I answer back calmly trying to keep from starting an argument

"Where are you and George going and how long are you going to be gone" he questions with a upset tone in his voice

"I was thinking of inviting him to the café on campus" gush excited to hang out with George again

"Oh so you shouldn't be gone too long" he say cheering up a little

"Are you going to miss me that much~" I tease snuggling back up to the miserable looking boy sitting next to me

"Don't worry when I get back we can do something together" I reassure him as I get up to change out of my pjs

I shiver at the sudden lack of warmth walking over to my dresser. A groan escapes my lips as I try to pick out an outfit to wear today.

"Something wrong cutie" Sap asks walking up behind me incasing me in his arms with his warm hands slowing traveling under shirt resting on my hips

"I don't know what to wear" I mumble now aware of how stupid it sounds

"If you want I can pick something out for you" Sap offered

"Really? Thanks Sappy I'm going to go take a shower when you find the clothes you can just sit them in the bathroom I'll keep the door unlocked" I gush possibly a little too excited for him to just me picking out my outfit

He nods and starts looking through my clothes. I make my way to the bathroom, closing the door but keeping it unlocked for Sap. I turn on the water, getting it to the right temperature before taking off my clothes and stepping in. I stand there letting the warm water flow over me, eventually reaching for the shampoo rubbing it through my hair. As soon as I finish rinsing the suds from my hair I hear a gentle knock on the bathroom door.

"Come in" I yell hoping he can hear me over the sound of the running water and I slightly peeking my head out from behind the curtain

"Where do you want me to put your clothes Jacobs?" he asks walking into the bathroom

"Umm you can sit them on the counter beside my towel" I tell him pulling my head back into the shower grabbing the conditioner squeezing some in my hands

I jump a little when I hear the door shut, confused. I look out and see Sapnap sitting down on the lid of the toilet.

"What are you doing?" I questioned rolling my eyes

"Keeping you company I would be too bored out there on my own"

I nod and continue with my shower running the conditioner throughout my curly hair.

"Karl it's boring out here all alone why don't you let me join you in there~" He teased

"I'm all most done but I guess you can If you want Sappy" I tease back with a laugh

Sapnap POV

I sit there stunned, unable to move. Did I hear him right? Was he serious? I take a deep breath and try to calm my racing mind. After a minute I slide off my sweatpants then my boxers and step in the shower behind Karl.

"Hi Princess~" I whisper into his ear

I see his shiver from my words and a smirk makes its way onto my face. I grab Karl's body wash and squirt some into the palm of my hand. I gently rub the soap over his shoulders and down his back.

"Is this ok?" I ask

He eagerly nods

"I need words baby boy" I breathed out in a low voice

"Y-yes this is ok" he stutters out

I continue washing him, my hands going over the small of his back and down over his hips. I stop when he turns around so we're face to face with my hands still resting on his bare hips.

"Okay you've had your fun, switch places with me" he demands now more confident than earlier

I do as he says and take Karl's place under the shower head, water running down my body and soaking my hair. His shampoo and pours some in his hands standing on his tiptoes to reach my hair. He lathers my hair completely covering it with soapy bubbles. I feel slender fingers brush through my long thick hair almost like a massage. I lean my head back under the water to rinse all the soap out. I quickly run some conditioner through the ends of my hair as Karl smears body wash all over me starting at my shoulders then moving down to my stomach and back. Taking his time on each section his small hands almost tickle me every time they move across my skin.

-small time skip-

Karl POV

Me and George are on our way to the café on our university campus catching up with each other just like last year. I'm still kinda bummed that me and him aren't roommates this year but I couldn't imagine not rooming with Sap. We've known each other for less than a week and are closer than any of my other friends. After our little shower fiasco I put on the outfit he picked out for me. It's my signature color block hoodie, one of his white pleated skirts, and a pair of lavender converse. I'm a little out of my comfort zone but I'm starting to like it.

"So George what have you been up to?" I ask the most bland question ever not sure how to start a conversation

"Dream took me on the cutest date the other day, we went to a pumpkin match and had a picnic" he gushes with a lovestruck look in his eyes

I giggled to myself teasing him about it the rest of the way to the cafe. Maybe I should ask Sap on a date, like a real one. We've done date-like activities but as friends and I think I want to be more than friends with Sapnap.


Oh slightly spicy chapter for you guys today. I think it's cute. Let me know if you like it and if you have any suggestions or questions you can comment them here. I love to read the comments you guys leave. They make me super happy!


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