Chapter 2

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Sapnap POV

This is it, the day I go off to college. I've been waiting for this day my whole life it seems like. I can't wait for all of the new things I'm going to get to experience. Raging college parties, new people, and most importantly freedom. I get to be as messy and loud as I want to without getting lectured about it. I need to leave by 8:30ish if I want to get to the school by 1:00. Right now It's 8:00 and I haven't even started packing my clothes. I put it off till the last minute expecting to do it last night, but Quackity, my best friend, wanted to play Minecraft. Although I might have lost track of time and stayed up until 3 am. It's okay though I can just throw all my crap in my suitcase.

I zip up my bulging suitcase after packing my clothes, and run into the living room where my mom and little sister are waiting for me.

"Aww look at my baby all grown up" my mom says as she starts to tear up.

"I guess I'm going to miss you loser" grumbles my sister.

I pull the both into a hug and say "I'm going to miss you so much Mom, you too buttface." I tell them both.

"Nick I'm so insanely proud of you," she whispers to me as she hugs me tighter.

"I love you Mom, but if I don't leave right now I'll be late to pick up my dorm key."

"Okay than get out of here stupid, so I can start moving my stuff in to your room" my sister taunts.

"You better leave my room alone jerk, I'll be back to visit and I'm not sleeping on the couch"

"Alright you two enough with the arguing, I love you to the moon and back don't you forget that, Nick" my mom tells me sternly with a kiss on the cheek 

My Mom is an amazing woman, she got pregnant with me when she was only 18. Obviously her parents weren't very happy about this, so they kicked her out and my dad was never in the picture. Ever since then she has worked her butt off to give me and my sister Sage, the best life possible. I wouldn't call us rich by a long shot, but we have a cute little house in the suburbs of Orlando. I always have everything I need and that's enough for me. However my Mom understandably wasn't able to pay a college tuition, so I worked really hard to get a full ride scholarship to Florida State University. I'm so grateful for this, because it was really my only opportunity for a college education.

"Bye Mom, love you! You too snot face!"

"Bye Nick, I love you bunches!" my mom yells as I walk out the door to my car.

I put my suitcase in the back with all of my other stuff, and started m.y 4 hour drive to my new life.

With only a few stops to use the bathroom and to get some snacks I made it to university. I have like 5 minutes to find the front office to pick up my keys. I run around campus trying to find the office not quite watching where I'm going, until I run into something.

"Hey watch where you're going!" a boy around my age yells.

Karl POV

As I walk to the front office to get my dorm key and meet George, this guy runs into me and knocks me over.

"Hey watch where you're going!" I shout

"Oh my God I'm so sorry, here let me help you up" he says as he puts out his hand to pull me up

I gladly take his hand and pull myself up off of the ground. Now that I get a good look at him, I see that he's actually kind of cute. He has longer messy black hair pulled back with a white bandanna, and he's wearing a black flame hoodie with black ripped jeans. I'm not going to lie, he looks hot, like really hot.

"Oh don't worry about it" I say as I brush the dirt from my pants.

"Is this your first year here, because you look really lost?" I ask him as he stands there in a daze.

He doesn't answer. So I wave my hand in front of his face in an attempt to get his attention. It almost looks as if he's staring at me. No that can't be it right? The possibility of him being attracted to me is very slim. Anyway he's probably straight, who am I kidding with my luck he's definitely straight. For most people that would be enough to give up and not push it any farther. Not for me, he's really cute, seems interested, and I don't know for sure that he's straight.

"Oh sorry again, my names Nick but you can call me Sapnap" he tells me in the sweetest voice

"Don't worry about it" I reply.

"If you tell me where your headed I could probably point you in the right direction" I tell the cute boy in front of me

"I'm was trying to find the front office to pick up my keys" he says

"Lucky for you I'm going there too, come on you can walk with me" I say as I grab his hand and pull him along with me.

Oh what's that? A cliffhanger!!! I guess you'll just have to read the next part to find out how Sapnap reacts to his hand being held by this stranger he met less than 5 minutes ago...Some fun things happened in this chapter but for the most part it was a back story, filler type chapter. Next chapter and future ones are going to be a lot more exciting. Let me know what you think so far and like always if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to comment them here! :]

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