a new companion

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Dashing across the room I can hear the boy call out for me but I make no attempts to answer back, as I make my way through  the house and into the kitchen. The kitchen is a mess with a table were three taxidermied people sit
Unmoving and silent it creates a uncomfortable aura in the air. I make my way to the only empty chair and jump high enough to grab ahold of the  Ledge. I pull myself up and lean forward almost forcing myself to face plant into the wooden chair. I scoot
The rest of myself onto the chair(I've never played the game so I had to watch a video) I get up and jump onto the table and now that I'm on it I can see the taxidermied people's faces.  There faces are slightly horrific and are very desorted.  Pulling myself a way I start to run across the table and jumping over the edge reaching and grabbing ahold of the vent I practically drag myself up and into the vent.
I spare a glance behind me only to see the boy running through the kitchen and to the chair. I let out a sigh and start to continue to the next room.

Dropping down from the vent and onto the wooden floor. I make my way to the middle of the room we're a hanging  lever is. Making my way across the room to we're I now stand below it
I make my attempt to grab ahold and pull it down but instead of pulling it down I just hang there.  Realization hits me as I now am aware of not being heavy enough to pull it down. The tiny piter pater of footsteps sends my attention to the vent as the boy makes  his way across the room. I  Uncurl my fingers allowing me to drop down.
He's now standing almost a arms lank away. *I can help* his voice comes out in a chirp and knowing tone putting me on edge but I except noding my head at him I lean down putting my hands out for him to step on. To which my surprise he understood without me having to tell him. He's closer now but that's only because I let him , watching him closely for any sign of a threat but there is non . He gently puts  one foot down on my hand. And pushes himself off the floor onto my hand I lift him into the air...... he grabs  ahold but isn't heavy enough to pull it down adding my weight by grabbing ahold of his leg making the lever lower it makes a loud  Noise that echos throughout the room
Something unlocks apon the roof making it fall and unfold to what seems to be stairs. I back away allowing the boy to drop down but he doesn't start at that he motions for me to follow as he makes his way up the first two steps.
But I stop him by grabbing ahold of his trench coat. I speak but everything I say sounds bitter * if we're going to help each other I need to know your name* he doesn't respond at first almost as if he's forgotten it but then
He does * its mono and yours* he responds in a cheerful tone making me unable to sense any threats from him
So I answer  with.........


Hello dear readers  we will not be responding with our real name this time so we are having a vote
Here are the names




Please pick your favorite
And I will not be showing what the characters are thanking at the end every time to create more suspense
On how they feel about you -author

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