out side the door

129 1 4

Trigger warning! Continue with caution ⚠️

It's cold and my body screams in agony from the position I'm in.
It pulls me from my sleep, making me aware of the world around. I move my hands to my face to rub the sleep from my eyes. My senses come back along with the slight throb of pain, leaning
My self onto the floor and off of the table leg I try and force myself back to sleep but the possibility of sleep is low
Now that I'm awake even if it's day or night I still try. Still I'm unable so instead of sleep I curl into a ball and lay there.....and lay there eventually the cold gets to me and I try to curl into myself some more, but I've already curled into myself as much as my body
Would let me. Now the only Thang to do is wait, but what am I waiting for
Is it my freedom or is it my death that I'm possibility waiting for. I can no longer tell, is being in this room driving me insane or have I always thought like this. Well it doesn't matter now I'll most likely be dead soon.........right?

More thoughts like this start pooling in, it becomes intoxicating and I can no longer breathe almost as if an invisible force was choking me. I start thrashing around and clawing at my neck as if there was something there but all I receive is a burning sensation throughout my neck and body. It doesn't do anything, but I still try forcing myself to breathe. But air never enters my lungs, my vision starts to become hazy and dotted. Turning its self black as I lose consciousness.

° then all there is is silence no struggling no movement just silence°

○hour's pass○

I awaken to tiny foot steps coming down the stairs. millions of thoughts enter my head like Flys to fruit. But I push them aside not wanting a repeat of earlier. Then a dragging draws my attention to the door on the other side of the room, a voice then erupts from the other side * hold on im going to get you out of there* the dragging sound then stops and something rips through the door *don't worry I come in peace * I don't respond I just back up under the table. The object from the door is removed, it starts coming down again and again Intel there is a hole wide enough to fit through. Then out steps a boy he has a bag on his head with two perfectly cut holes in them that enables him to see. He's wearing a one button trench coat that reaches a little below his knees and has. A tucked in shirt and brownish-gray pants that are rolled up at the end. Before I could completely Realized what was happening, he was already in front of me on one nee with his hand stretched out for me to grab. But I make no move to do so * hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you* staying silent not understanding why he thought I was Frightened. He interrupts my thoughts by extending his hand closer to me, but I ignore him
The best I can. Looking to his side to get a perfect view of the door we're the hole is- * hey it's okay* he starts to talk in a coaxing but soothing tone as if a were a frightened child, I pull my attention back to the door getting myself ready to.............

(○what do you thank is going to happen next please tell I wish to know your response before continuing○)

Run... pushing myself off of the ground I dart to the other side accidentally slamming my left solder into his in the process, harming my shoulder in the process as well but I don't slow down as I make my way outside the door and into freedom.





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