a start

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The sound of footsteps draws my attention,to the other side of the room.
Where my freedom lies, sadly it's behind a locked door. The door opens and out steps a man, the very man that put me here.

"Hey man do ya plan to let me out?"

I receive no response he just closes the door and continues to the middle of the room. To put down a plate of burnt eggs and bacon.

"Can I at-least get the name of my captor?"

He let's out a huff and looks at me with a blank stare. Which I return with a glare, he then gives me a small
Nod. He bends down to pick up
A piece of chalk that's lying on the floor.

Sitting himself down he then begins to
jot down his name.

He the stands himself up and walks out the door, locking it behind him.
I listen as his footsteps disappear up the stairs.

Leaving me alone......bye-myself
I let out a sigh and push myself,
Off the ground. Walking myself across the room to where the plate and name sits. The word's on the floor are hardly legible, but legible enough that
I can read it.'William hunter so that's his name, I let out a chuckle it fits him.
I feel the pain of hunger echo throughout my body. I let out a huff and grab a piece of bacon
That was far to big for me.
I begin to tear through the piece of bacon
Eating as much as my stomach would allow me to. Content with my fill i leave
The plate behind and make My way back across the room
Where a table sits. I lean against one of the legs letting the silence consume me.
It's like a lullaby...I close my eyes and let sleep take hold..........

you fall asleep....peacefully...
.....an adventure is soon to await you........what will you do how will you react.....continue your journey to find out.............................*

                 Frustrated at hunter but is manly bord in the room

   He thanks that the teen in the room is very intriguing and has a slight attachment to them.

Thank you for your patience I will try to make the next one  Longer but school work is in the way--- the author

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