Chapter 4 The Calm before the storm

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(Alarm is Heard)

(Victor chuffs next to the engines)

Victor: Everyone we need to make some room!

Carmen:But Thomas is already fixed,is there something wrong with him?

Victor:No it's not Thomas, it's hero he's injured bad,his boiler bursts,he needs to be fixed now Duck and Oliver are bringing him now and he needs room,oh and the fat controller ask for you Thomas to back at Knapford station.

Thomas:Alright, I'll be there in no time.

Percy: And I'll come with you thomas.

Thomas:Are you sure Percy?

Percy:100% I don't wanna see you or Carmen get hurt by diesel 10 after what they told us.

Thomas: thanks Percy.

Edward:well we should get back to work.

Carmen:Yeah me too, I'm gonna be with Donald and Douglas at duck's branchline.

James:Well be sure to stay by them in case diesel 10 or anyone else is suspicious comes by.

Carmen:I will.

(They all leave the steam works)
(Shows Thomas and Percy on the way)

Thomas:Hey thanks for coming with me Percy.

Percy: That's what friends are for.

Thomas:It was really shocking to hear that and well sorta starting to remember what happened with us and him and to add on that I had a brother that hated me.

Percy:Well it's not every day that you here that.

Thomas:I can understand why they didn't tell me but why did diesel 10 hate Me from the beginning?

Percy:I wish I knew but I can only guess that it's because he sorta sees how you were trying to be useful and he wanted to screw you over plus also the fact that he hated steamies minus Timothy and Alfred.

Thomas: maybe Percy.

(Shows them chuffing)

(Shows them chuffing by a bush where a engine was hiding)
(Shows Alfred)

(Then Alfred starts moving back)

(Scene turns to knapford)

Sir Richard topham hatt:Where is that little tank engine?

Gwen: Don't worry sir he'll show up he's just probably coming from the steam works.

(Thomas and Percy show up)

Sir Richard topham hatt:Thomas thank goodness your here there's something you need to know about diesel...

Thomas:They already told me, Gordon Edward and Henry told me and the others about us and diesel 10.

Sir Richard topham hatt:So did my father,I never should've brought him back.

Thomas:Sir this is no one's fault he's the one that caused all of the trouble and chaos all those years ago,he had his chances but he just didn't give a damn.

Sir Richard topham hatt: maybe so but I still can't help but wonder.

Thomas:Same here sir.

Percy:So what are you going to do now.

Sir Richard topham hatt:Well everything's going to operate as normal but if diesel 10 does anything bad I'll be extremely angry And I'll send him back to where he belongs,And I would suggest you and Carmen well stay away from him.

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