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Arthur's gaze left Antonio's for a moment to meet a sharper one. His boss walked closer and pointed at antonio "put that one in the brig. I need to talk to you." He looked around only to find none of his crew had climbed back on board yet he cursed them under his breath and looked down at the spanish man beneath him "well I'm sorry to bring this....enlightening conversation between us to an end but I'm afraid I must go as quick as possible so if you could not be you for just a moment and cooperate that would be splendid" he then stood up and looked straight down at the man who had not moved from his own position yet "yeah yeah whatever. It's not like have nothing better to do" even antonio himself couldn't understand if that was sarcasm or not so he stretched his arms out in front of him.

Arthur went off for a moment to find some rope he fully expected antonio to have jumped off board like he wouldve but when he got back onto the top deck he found him standing right where he was with his arms out in front of him still though his eyes were focused onto the sun that was setting rather then the pirate that had gone beneath him like before.

He walked up to antonio and put the rope onto his hands making sure they were tight so they wouldn't come undone while he was in his office talking to his king. They walked down the old wooden stairs till they met an a room in even worse condition it was clear to antonio that they had probably never cleaned the place most likely to give the prisoners an even worse time.

They finally reached a room full of cells at the end of it and antonio was lead into one of the bigger of the lot where he was shackled to the floors and walls "you know any other circumstance this would be less then ideal but since it's you I'll let it slide, captain" he teased out while arthur was locking the door "shut your mouth. I'm not in the mood for you pointless teasing at the moment." And he looked it, his eyes were staring into the wall as though he wished he could simply phase into them instead of talking to the man upstairs. Antonio knew that look more then anyone so he gave a small smile that he hoped came across as 'I'm so sorry, good luck' but he couldn't be completely sure how the other would read it in his state, and arthur gave no indication he had even seen it as he just turned around forcing his eyes to focus and his legs to cooperate up the stairs. Then he vanished out the door leaving antonio in the dark, alone.

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