Panic and storms

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Arthur's mind went into an unregistered panic, although he'd been trying to talk to this man for months, him actually being in front of him was unnerving. He tried to push the ball of feeling back and finish paying when the panic started again how was he supposed to pay? He wondered before as if he was able to read his mind Carrido lent down and whispered "he wants twenty three euros" Arthur sighed in relief and reached into his pouch handing the money over to the shopkeep before scurrying off as fast as his legs would let him.

What was he to do he could turn around and confront the Spaniard or he could keep retreating towards the ship and continue this tournament. His choice was made for him when a hand was placed onto his shoulder, this time he knew who the hand belonged to and he continued quickening pace. There was no way he would let this idiotic, flirt get the better of him. Arthur moved past the arrogant man desperate to leave, carrido garbs his arm holding him in place desperately trying to savour the remaining minutes they had left. Arthur once again turned away from his capture "wait" he exclaimed, Arthur exhaled and pushed him away continuing to move towards the ship silent in his movement. He reached his ship and climbed aboard, sailing away from the dock and away from the spontaneous human still watching the ship as it left.

The ship sailed on into the morning, glad to be ride of the person bugging him so, the sky turned into a gray mist as a storm began to brew Arthur prayed that they wouldn't be caught up in it.

The storm came quickly and much to his dismay there was no land close by, they would have to keep sailing until morning he thought his body shivering at the thought or perhaps it had more to do with the cold wind blowing onto the ship in any case he moved to the safer land of his quarters leaving the crew to fight though it.

After several hours the storm finally died down leaving a sweet sense of relief in the air felt from everyone onboard, Arthur clambered out of his office clothes in disarray from the sea rocking. He walks over to a crewmate that was fixing the objects that got damaged in the storm, the man looks up once Arthur gets close enough "oui? Captain" he asks, his hair flipping majestically when he turned Arthur raised his head looking down at the man though his nose. He hands him a piece of paper and adds "take it to the king." He finishes and turns back feeling the mans stare on the back of his neck Arthur decided to push it to the back of his mind and continue his still unfinished paperwork.

Sorry it took so long I found it hard to figure out how I wanted to continue the story.

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