Overwalming failure

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Arthur's ship attempted to cut off the others ship this was an absolutely stupid move as it was bound to end in one of the ships crashing but in this situation Arthur reasoned it that he wouldn't stop even if he surrendered. Fortunately this failed and they were unable to find a way around the ship to Arthur's annoyance he had to tell his remaining crew to cease their attack.

The last things he saw was the Spanish captain walking out onto the deck talking to a crew member before turning to look at the retreating English ship. The wonder began eating away at him refusing to leave, he looked away from the ship to the more familiar wood.

A couple months passed by in a monotonous pace, Arthur and carridos last meeting had ended the sudden battles they used to partake in and Arthur wasn't getting the answers he so craved. The ship seem kind of lonely without the commotion he caused and the end of each day his disappoint did grow. He couldn't understand why he was feeling this for a man he hated but he thought it best to do the most English thing he possibly could and push his real emotions down faking the rest. So for the past couple days that's what he had done.

He walked into the morning air, the sun rising from the orange pool in the distance, the calm glow of the evening knotted into the blond curls of Arthur's hair. He noticed the ship was moving and so he walked up to a crewmate with hair so blonde it rivalled his own and asked "where are we headed?" He turned and his body began to shift seemingly nervous
"Well we're out of food rations after not raiding a ship for so long so.....we're heading to a nearby country to buy food...." Arthur nodded and walked away 'a near country eh, wonder which it'll be. Better not be the frog lovers I couldn't stand to be there talking their foul tongue' he thought in a mix of disgust and wonder.

The ship docked at the harbour of a sun kissed island, Arthur got off board and began to search the land for a market place hoping he'd understand the language of that which he was talking to. He wondered around the Forgien land for a good twenty minutes before finding a small ally filled with food stands. Arthur's eyes light up at the prospect of rest once he brought the food, he starts to pick out some vegetables for the closest shop. The man at the stool eyed him suspiciously 'maybe I should've worn peasant clothes' he thought regret filed the man finished counting his products and said "Eso seran veintitrés euros" Arthur gulped, he couldn't understand it but he knew where he was. He bit his lip and tried to understand even a little of what he said, he was nonplussed for a moment "I- umm..." a snigger came from behind him it was quiet but in his anxious state it was extremely noticeable. The faceless figure continued to laugh growing louder and louder soon people started to join in till all Arthur could hear was the sound of their mocking his mind went light headed for a moment before he felt a hand on his shoulder pulling him out of the trance 'who the hell is touching me?' He questioned turning to confront them only to be struck with a complete rainbow of conflicting emotions.

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