kings and wit

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Arthur laughed mockingly, ending the silence between them "what's with that face, huh?" Antonio's eyes continue to glare unfazed by the metal holding his life and the unhinged man deciding his fate "is my face a problem for you?" that made arthur return his glare though his containing a more playful glint to them. "Not at all though you have some problems about here" with his free hand he circled his finger around Antonio's face.

Antonio tried to get up but found the sword getting eerily closer to his neck. Now he had a problem with it. His mind worked quick wondering if maybe he could look for a weak stop or a time when the british scum had his guard down then he could find a way to escape.

Antonio smirked up to him "is that so? Well if you'd like a few criticisms back I can assure you I have a lot based on your looks" his smirk was returned once more "oh do go on, but I'd be careful if I were you after all you do find yourself in quiet the predicament dont you" he glanced at the sword for a moment then met Antonio's eyes again. Antonio's eyes left his and instead looked over his shoulder to stop any possible crew that could be near to apprehend him luckily for him they were......busy. Hadden been either thrown overboard or killed upon their first arrival. His eyes went back onto Arthur's a new emotion hidden in them, confusion? Perhaps or......curiousity? Either way it didnt much matter to him at that moment "well first of all those awful eyebrows I mean do you english only use those blades to kill people will diffrent nationalitys to yourself? I think it would really benefit you to remove that sword from my neck and just take a bit off" arthur rolled his eyes and the sword went closer to his skin "heard it before, how about you try something more original huh?" Antonio gulped and tried to back into the wood to get away from the ever so near edge "well if you want to talk about what's not original how about everything you own?" Again the sword came closer "I thought we were talking about looks, huh? Not our countries. Oh what's the matter? You like me so much you cant find anything to hate other then things other people do?"

Antonio hesitated and had the immediate urge to look away, he remembered why he had come and the long night before that. He knew he had to answer the other mans teasing with something but how could he when his point was so...right.

Another silence overcame them until a pistol shot grabbed both of their attentions.

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