1. Irreplaceable

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Hello, and welcome to the fifth story of this book series. But not only Po and his friends will be back here, also new OCs will play a big role. Have a good reading time. :-)

23 years ago, in the forests of Gongmen City

The little white figure ran like a ghost through the night. Gongmen City was well behind him. Every now and then he turned around, but no one followed, but he quickened his pace. Leaves and branches hit him in the face. In a clearing, the moon briefly revealed the fleeing form of a small white peacock. The boy leaned against a tree, panting. His lungs ached. Tears trickled down his cheeks into the grass. His mind was empty. Only one thought plagued his young conscience that stifled him inwardly. The white peacock cub gave a loud sob.
Mom was dead! And it was his fault!
The boy's finger feathers clawed the wood.
All because of 'him'! She just loved 'him'! Not him!
The white peacock cub blinked as the moonlight was reflected in a puddle of water. Shakily, he detached himself from the tree trunk and stepped closer to the reflecting water. His white form stood out clearly against the night and was enhanced by the light of the moon.
He looked like 'him'. 'He' who she had loved so much. But his looks had never been enough for her. Because he wasn't 'he'. He never existed for her. Because everything in her life had revolved just around 'him'.
The white boy remained in this position for several minutes, keeping his eyes glued to his reflection. Finally, he tore the royal white robe from his white feathered body and threw it on the floor in contempt.
Breathing heavily, he stared at the robe which his father had given him and his mother never wanted to see. She had never wanted to look at him with it. There was always only one person in her life.
He wiped his tearful face. Then he ran away with a scream. "I HATE YOU, SHEN! I HATE YOU!"

To be continued...

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