Cyan - April Fools! (Note)

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Hey! This is just a small note from the author of the Cyan ship! I just wanted to say, April Fools!! I was making. Salty cupcakes for my mom and it was hilarious! I replaced the sugar with salt, and frosted them with spray cheese!! EW! And a filling on the inside was mustard!! Gross. I licked one and it tasted like pure salt. When my mom got home from work she tore a piece off said it smelt weird. I didn't deny the fact that it smelt weird though. I just said the baking went wrong. She believed me and took a small bit and threw the rest of the cupcake. No, not in the garbage. Just threw it. It was the funniest thing I ever seen!(not really) but you get the point.
Anyways, I know this wasn't about my ship, but it's spring break and there's nothing that happened, so I just decided to say... APRIL FOOLS!!
Please remember to like, vote, and comment! -Cyan

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