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Juniper and Henry sat at the table talking when I walked up to them. They both looked at me and smiled.

"Hey, how was work today?" Juniper asked. I shrug.

"Angel saw Stella today, he said she is super powerful." I sigh.

"Right I forgot she was turned to a demon." Henry mumbled.

"Yeah, Angel misses her too, I can tell by the way he of spoke of her." I respond.

"He had a thing for her, right?" Juniper whispered. I nod.

"Yeah since he met her he was attracted to her, Stella on the other hand wasn't aware of his feelings." I mention.

"But I think he might be sort of interested in Ash." Henry smiled.

"I think they're just friends." I laugh.

"You're just saying that because you like him!" Juniper teased. Blush crept up my cheeks.

"I do not like him!" I respond defensively. They laugh at me and I cross my arms.

I sit down and watch my siblings eat. They're conversation bounces between them in the back round of my thoughts. I think about Stella, I wonder how she is. I stand up abruptly and they look at me with confusion. I frown at them.

"What are you doing?" Henry asks.

"I'm going on a walk, I'll be back later." I smile and they nod returning to their food.

I go home and lock the doors. Closing my eyes I imagine visiting Stella and I open my eyes. I look around but all I see is darkness. A cough makes me jump and I look at a boy. He was really attractive.

His black hair hung lazily, hiding some of his green eyes. He was tall and muscular.

"Who are you?" He grunted. I felt my heart flutter.

"My name is Onyx." I reply blushing.

"Why are you here, spirit?" He asks.

"I wanted to visit my sister, please let me." I beg. He flicks his hair aside.

"Who is you're sister?" He questions.

"Her name is Stella." I smile. His eyes widen.

"Follow me." He says as he turns.

"What's your name?" I ask bravely.

"My name is Raven." He responds somewhat boredly.

I followed Raven, the way he walked made me feel uncomfortable. His black hair touches his shirt collar. We finally reach a house. He turns the door knob pushing it open. Light surrounds me.

"Raven?" Someone calls. My heart skips a beat.

Stella turns the corner and a smile spreads on my face. She looks at me with confusion then screeched.

"Onyx!" She laughed loudly. I run to her wrapping my arms around her body.

"Stella! Oh you're so beautiful!" I giggle. She blushes.

I step back and Raven walks up to her kissing her firmly. My heart sinks slightly. I turn away and look around the room. I hear creaks and I look at the stairs. Joseph stands there.

Anger fills my body. How could she possibly have Raven and Joseph here. I couldn't help but feel jealousy.

"Are you alright Onyx?" Stella asks. I turn towards her and give her a fake smile.

"Yeah, just kind of weird being down here, it's illegal to come down here if you're a spirit." I respond weakly.

"But now it isn't noticeable because of the war that's starting." Raven says sadly

Suddenly a boom outside made everyone jump. We all looked outside. It was a blood bath.

Final BattleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon