Chapter 6

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Charlie wakes percy's up from a nightmare. heart to heart talk getting together.

I cursed silently. Now we had only minutes before the bombs were disarmed. I caught Beckendorf's
eyes again and asked a silent question, hoping he would understand: How long?
He cupped his fingers and thumb, making a circle. Zero.T here was no delay on the timer at all. If he
managed to press the detonator button, the ship would blow at once. We'd never be able to get far
enough away before using it. The monsters would kill us first, or disarm the explosives, or both.
Kronos turned toward me with a crooked smile. "You'll have to excuse my incompetent help, Percy
Jackson. But it doesn't matter. We have you now. We've known you were coming for weeks."
He held out his hand and dangled a little silver bracelet with a scythe charm—the Titan lord's symbol.
The wound in my arm was sapping my ability to think, but I muttered, "Communication device . . . spy at
Kronos chuckled. "You can't count on friends. They will always let you down. Luke learned that lesson
the hard way. Now drop your sword and surrender to me, or your friend dies."
I swallowed. One of the giants had his hand around Beckendorf's neck. I was in no shape to rescue him,
and even if I tried, he would die before I got there. We both would.
Beckendorf mouthed one word: Go.
I shook my head. I couldn't just leave him.
The second giant was still rummaging through the peach cans, which meant Beckendorf's left arm was
free. He raised it slowly—toward the watch on his right wrist.
I wanted to scream, NO!
Then down by the swimming pool, one of thedracaenae hissed, "What isss he doing? What isss that on
hisss wrissst?"
Beckendorf closed eyes tight and brought his hand up to his watch.
I had no choice. I threw my sword like a javelin at Kronos. It bounced harmlessly off his chest, but it did
star-tle him. I pushed through a crowd of monsters and jumped off the side of the ship—toward the
water a hundred feet below.
I heard rumbling deep in the ship. Monsters yelled at me from above. A spear sailed past my ear.
Percy time to wake up. 
arrow pierced my thigh, but I barely had time to register the pain. I plunged into the sea and willed the
currents to take me far, far away—a hundred yards, two hundred yards.- wake up perce.

I woke up with a start and I held Riptide to someone's throat before realizing it was Beckendorf.

"Shit I'm sorry" Percy pants softly as he moved away from him as he felt bad and he noticed Selena by the door.

"Are you okay Percy?" Beckendorf asked as he nodded his head before remembering he locked his door.

" How did you get in?" He asked as he bit his lip and pulled on his sweaty shirt.

" I picked the door. Sorry for invading your privacy but Leo was worried and came to our place since you seem to be having a bad nightmare" Beckendorf said as Selena sat in on his bed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked as Percy signed and leaned back against the bed.

" It was the time on the Princess Andromeda but this time I couldn't save Beckendorf in time. " he mumbled as he held his head in his hands. Selena runs her fingers through Percy's hair and grabs his chin. She kisses him deepen making him blush and glance at Beckendorf as she pulls away.

"He is still here because of you. We love you. Sorry or probably wasn't the right time to kiss you." She said before giggling at Percy's expression.

" I w-what but you're together " Percy mumbled as he touched his lip.

" What Selena is saying is we want you to be part of are relationship" Beckendorf said and Percy nods his head shyly.

" I'd like that" he mumbled, making Beckendorf peak hum on the lips.

" Call me Charlie then" he said as he pulled Percy into the bed and had Percy in the middle of Selena and him, cuddling together.

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