Chapter 2

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  Percy woke up with a scream stuck in his throat as his breath picked up. He felt beads of sweat drip down his face as he sat up. The vision of Tartarus still plagued his mind as he tried to remember Chiron advice on panic attack. 'Hold your breath for four seconds and out for four' he thought as he gripped his hair and folded in on himself. It took him a couple of minutes to calm down but afterwards he still felt shaky. ' Some hero I am to let nightmares scare me' he said getting up and started to pack his bag to keep himself busy. He didn't have much of his clothes here, just three shirts and jeans that he shoved in a small bag. He dressed in sweatpants and a camp halfblood shirt as he put riptide in his pocket. A heavy knock on the door made him jump " Are you ready?" Beckendorf asked as Percy answered " yeah just a minute" he ran his fingers through his hair and stepped out of his cabin. " good morning" he said as he followed Beckendorf up to the hill. "Morning Selena is already there," Beckendorf said. 

  "Come on Percy my dad  dropped off my  car" Selena said as Beckendorf helped Percy with his bag. The car ride was peaceful and Percy smiled a little as he saw them hold hands. They made it to his apartment as he started to feel nervous. Percy walked behind Selena and Beckendorf as they walked him to his apartment, he didn't like being a third wheel and making them go out of their way to take him home. Percy hesitantly knocked on the door ' it's stupid to me nervous it just my mom ' he thought as he held his breath when his mom opened the door. " oh Percy honey. I'm so glad you're okay" she said, hugging him, making him melt against her. " I missed you" he mumbled, his voice cracking a little. Sally stepped back but held his hand " oh I see you have some friends with you. Would you like to come in? I just made some cookies" She said. " we would love to but we were actually going on a date but wanted to make sure Percy got home safely." Selena said, giving them a smile. "Let us know if you want a ride back" she said as she gave Percy a peck on the check making him blush. Beckendorf waves bye as the left.

  " Someone has a crush," Sally teased, making Percy blush more. "I don't besides they are a couple, it would be weird," he said, stepping inside the apartment and the warmth of home rushed over him. "Where's Paul?" He asked, sitting on the couch as his mom grabbed the plate of cookies before sitting beside him. " At work but I can call him home" Sally said, grabbing her phone. " no it's okay. I forgot it was a weekday" he tried to laugh it off and he grabbed a cookie taking a small bite. The familiar taste brought tears to his eyes 'stupid' he thought as he blinked them away. A hand touched his cheek making him look up. Sally smiled at him gently and caressed his face "It's okay to cry baby. I'm here" she said, unleashing the flood of tears Percy was holding back. He didn't know how long he cried but his mom held him and rubbed his back as she mumbled reassuring words to him. He pulled back and wiped his face "sorry" he said clearing his dry throat. "Nothing to be sorry for. We all need a good cry honey. I'll bring you some water then I'll start dinner" Sally said, kissing his forehead as she got up. She came back with water and ruffled his hair before going to the kitchen. He felt happy for the first time in a while as he laid back on the couch and looked at the ceiling.

   Dinner was almost ready when Paul came home. He  greeted Percy with a hug before they sat down to eat. The conversation was light and it seemed like they were avoiding talking about some things. Percy could only eat half his food and his mom didn't say anything. The war and Tartarus had made Percy lose his appetite so when he ate a big meal, he ended  up throwing them up. Paul started to clean the dishes "want to watch a movie before going to bed?" Sally asked. " Little Mermaid?" He asked, making Sally smile. " Sounds good," she said as got up and put the movie in. He sat beside her on the middle of the couch and once the dishes were done Paul joined him on his right. He felt himself nod off and his head laid on Paul's shoulder as he left the warmth of his mom and step dad wash over him as darkness consumed him.

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