Chapter 3

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     Percy stayed with his mom for about a week while he was there, his nightmare wasn't getting any better. He felt bad whenever he woke his mom and Paul up from screaming so he decided it was time to go back to camp half blood. He backed his clothes in his bag before making his way to the bathroom, washed his face and stared into the mirror. He tightens his hand on the edge of the sink as he takes in his usual tan skin, that is now lighter and dark circles under his eyes. Percy left the bathroom and grabbed his bag as he went to the kitchen. His mom was making blue pancakes as Paul sat at the table drinking coffee and reading a newspaper.
" Good morning Percy" Paul said, noticing him enter.

" Good morning" Percy said walking over to his mom and kissing her cheek  " I was thinking about going to camp half blood just for a little bit then I'll be back" he told them.

"Oh honey you don't have to. We love having you here but if that's what you want to do it's okay " Sally said, looking at Percy and putting the pancakes on a plate.

Percy fidgets with his bag "I don't want to add more stress to you and you need all the rest you can get. My nightmare wakes you up. I'm sorry I'll stay at camp half blood until the baby is born but I'll visit often" he said.

"Okay honey but you don't have to. Now eat before you go anywhere" She said, noticing his bag. She set the plate of pancakes down before sitting besides Paul. Percy sat down and ate two pancakes as his mom tried to bring him into the conversation Paul and her were having.

    Paul stood up and placed his plate in the sink. "Thanks for breakfast. See you later Percy, stay out of trouble " he said as he kissed sally bye and ruffled percy's hair before leaving for work.

"Do you need me to drive you?" Sally asked Percy as they walked to the door. Percy put on his shoes and hugged her.

"No  Selena and Beckendorf are picking me up from Central Park." He said pulling away from the hug and Sally placed a kiss on his cheek.

" I love you sweetheart. Be safe" she said as Percy left the apartment. It was a short walk to the park, he spotted Selena and Beckendorf on the bench and went over to them.

" How was your moms?" Selena asked, getting up and pulling Percy into a hug. Beckendorf stood up and waited for Selena to pull away before holding her hand.

" It was good. I missed her a lot but it will be better if I stay at camp." Percy said softly as Selena grabbed his hand and pulled him to the car.

" You'll be happy to know who showed up at camp half blood. Leo" Beckendorf said as they got into the car and he started to drive.

Percy smiled at the news " I'm sure Piper gave him a hard time. I wish I could have seen it" he laughed a little at the image of Piper yelling at him then pulling him into a hug. They made it to camp after thirty minutes and they passed the border. They split ways and Percy put his bag in his cabin.  On his way to train, Leo ran into him.

"Hi Percy! Can you help me in bunker 9 real quick?" Leo asked as he started to pull Percy though the wood to the bunker before Percy could reply. There was a small fire on the workbench, lucky enough it hadn't spread anywhere. Percy put out the water and turned to Leo.

"Be careful next time" he said as he pushed his hair out his face. He was happy to see Leo.

"Thanks Aquaman. I will, so I have been thinking I want to get an apartment like Beckendorf is doing in new Rome. I wanted to know if you wanted to be my roommate?" Leo asked.
'Beckendorf is getting an apartment. He hasn't mentioned anything to me ' Percy thought with a small pout at being left out of the loop.

"I would like to. Are you sure you want me as a roommate? " Percy asked, biting his bottom lip thinking about his nightmares.

"Yes I'm sure, it would be awesome. A change of scenery would be nice" Leo said as he started to put some metal wires together.

"You're right. Let me know if you need help with anything" Percy said.

"I have an apartment in mind. I'll start the process later and let you know when we can move in." Leo said as he continued to build something. Percy thanked him and left the bunker to wander around the woods and beach. It made him feel at peace being outside.

A/N: sorry for the late update. I had a lot going on and didn't have the time or felt like updating.

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