Chapter 4

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The end of the week was when Leo and Percy moved into their apartment. Percy stopped to visit his mom and told her about the apartment. He reassured her that he was still visit especially since camp has a portal between Camp Jupiter and Camp half blood. His mom hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek before letting him leave.

"Be safe and Iris Message whenever you want to baby " Sally said as he left.

He felt sad for leaving her but he wanted her to continue her life with Paul without worrying about him. He really didn't plan on bringing much stuff and on the way back to camp Selena asked him if that was all the clothes he had. 'Gods she looks pretty today, so does Charlie. Ugh stop it's so wrong to think of them like that' Percy thought before realizing Selena asked him a question.

" Yes it's a normal amount for a teen boy" Percy said as they walked across the border.

"No, absolutely not! Once you're settled in your apartment we're going clothes shopping" she said as Charlie chuckled at the face Percy made at the mention of shopping. Percy knew that he couldn't get out of it so he didn't argue. Leo met him at the portal that was by the big house. Leo had two more bags than Percy, probably filled with things to build.

" Are you ready, roommate?" He asked as he bounced on his feet. Percy nods his head and they both walk through the portal with Charlie and Selena following after them. It was a tingling sensation when they appeared in New Rome. It was a short walk to the apartment, lucky enough they shared the same floor with Selena and Beckendorf. Leo opened the door and showed them the place. The apartment wasn't too big, it had two bedrooms and one bathroom. A small kitchen and a living room.

" It looks nice Leo. Thank you for letting me room with you" Percy said as he chose the room closer to the front door, leaving Leo with the room by the bathroom. Selena and Beckendorf decided to stay and helped them get settled in. Most of the furniture already came with the place and it was just moving it to how they wanted it to be.

   Later that day Charlie was helping Percy paint his room blue when Percy got an idea. He dipped his finger into paint and wiped some on Charlie's cheek.

"Oh you want to play that game" Charlie chuckled as he grabbed some paint on the brush. Percy barely dodged Beckendorf's attempt at getting paint on him and ran out the room.

"Selena help!" Percy ran into the living room, where she was putting up decorations and went over to her before hiding behind her. She said the appointment needed a woman's eye.

"What's wrong?" She asked before seeing the paint on Beckendorf's face and let out a small giggle. She winked at Beckendorf and tried to enter the kitchen with Percy to get away. Beckendorf grabbed both of them and lifted them up as he held them by the waist, making them both laugh. He set them down and wiped down Percy's cheek and arm with the brush.

" I got you" Beckendorf said with a smile before going back to the Percy room to finish painting.
Percy decided to say and help Selena. Shorty after that Beckendorf came back when he was done

"Percy, go have a shower sweetie. Charlie will finish helping Leo then we can have dinner. Percy didn't mean to take an hour long shower so by the time he came to the kitchen, there was pizza on the counter.

"Perfect timing it just got here" Leo said as he grabbed two slices himself and sat at the table. There was small chatter at the table and Percy was worried about his nightmares. He wondered if he should ask Will if there was some form of medicine he could take to make them go away. Once they were done Percy threw the plates away and put the leftover pizza in the fridge.

"See you later. Our door is open whenever you need us you two" Selena said giving them both a hug and Percy a kiss on the cheek making him blush as Beckendorf said bye.

"It's been a long day so I'm going to wind down in my room" Leo said heading to his room and Percy decided to brush his teeth then lay on his bed. He didn't think he would fall asleep but after thirty minutes of staring at the wall he started to drift to sleep.

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