Go get 'Em

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Within the next few days, we're informed about the whereabouts of Schmidt. A plan is devised to storm the Hydra Base. All of our troops gather including me and Peggy. On the way over, Peggy, Steve and I sit silently in the vehicle going over the plan.

"You ready Steve? This could win the war."

"I'm ready." We come to a stop where Steve has to depart.

"Steve." He looks back at me. I take him into a tight hug. "You got this. Do it for him." I smile.

"I miss him." He says back to me.

"I do too." He releases me from a hug and then nods at Peggy. He leaves the vehicle.

"You still haven't told him how you feel?" I say to her. She shakes her head.

"I'm waiting for the war to be over."

"Peggy, take it from me. That's the worst decision ever. You should tell him. You never know when it's the last time you'll see him." A tear falls from my face. She stands in front of me and wipes it.

"Hey. Do this for Barnes. No more crying today. Do it for him, just like you told Steve."

We stand outside the base in formation, battling underlings left and right. We charge the side of the building and fight our way through in search of Schmidt. We hear struggling ahead. A man with a torch is illuminating the halls. Peggy takes a shot, knocking him to the floor. Steve emerges from around the corner. They exchange conversation that makes Peggy blush and makes Steve flustered, but before long, Steve takes off.

"Did you tell him?" I say to Peggy.

"Not yet. It's not exactly the right time." I nod in agreement. Soon we make our way to the basement. It's filled with machinery, weapons and aircrafts. Captain and Schmidt are fighting across the room. The combat is too close to allow us to take a shot. Schmidt enters the plane and begins to take off. Steve runs after it, but in reality there's no way he's gonna make it. I spot a car over to the right. Coincidentally, it happens to be Schmidt's. Phillips takes the driver seat and encourages me to join. I notion for Peggy to hurry and she enters the car. They speed up to Steve and he gets in the car. They race up to the plane, which tries to accelerate. The pair is reaching the end of the runway. Steve stands up on the edge of the car ready to board the aircraft. He turns back for just a moment. Peggy and his lips meet for just moments.

"Go get 'em." I hear her say. There isn't much time, but at least she told him. I'm happy for them. Steve jumps onto the wheel of the plane that is brought into the plane itself. The plane takes flight and the car almost flung over the side of the cliff, but safely comes to a halt. You run up to them and help Peggy exit the car.

"You told him."

"I did. You never know what could happen." She responds.

"Come on. We need to return to base to track him." We all hurry back and arrive within the hour. I start rebooting the computers.

"Sir, we can't connect the communication. We have to let Rogers activate it." I say to Phillips. It's the first words I've spoken to him since Bucky was pronounced dead.

"So, we'll wait for him." I nod and look at Peggy who is obviously nervous, but will refuse to admit it. I nod to her and she returns a nod. An hour or two passes before we connect to Steve.

"Anyone there?" Steve says in a tired voice. The whole room erupts. Peggy exhales in relief.

"Steve, is that you? Are you alright?"

"Schmidt's dead."

"What about the plane? Give me your coordinates, and I'll land you."

"There's not gonna be a safe landing, but I can try and force it down. This thing is headed for New York. I gotta put her in the water."

"Please, don't do this, we have time. We can work it out." I hear her voice cracking and her hands begin to shake.

"Right now, I'm in the middle of nowhere. If I wait any longer a lot of people are gonna die." Her eyes fill with tears. I reach for the microphone, but resist. I love Steve. I really do, but she needs this time with him. I would've given anything for this with Bucky. I remove myself from the desk and stand silently in the corner of the room.

"Peggy. This is my choice." The tears in her eyes stream down her face. "Peggy? I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance." She sobs quietly.

"All right. A week from Saturday, at the Stork Club." She plays along.

"You got it. You know I still don't know how to dance."

"I'll teach you. Just be there."

"I would just hate to step on your-" The line goes dead. Peggy sits there silently, staring at the radio. She sniffles a little and I see some of her makeup run down her cheek. I walk over to her and squeeze her hand. I bite my lip to refrain from crying. She turns her chair to me and places her head against my stomach. She sobs silently. No one dares to enter the room until we emerge. I hold Peggy up, as she did for me and walk her to a medical room down the hall. I lay her on the bed and she turns on her side, still sobbing. I sit beside her, with tears streaming down my face. I make sure to stay silent enough, so Peggy doesn't know. I want to be strong for her in every way. Peggy soon falls asleep, and I do too.

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