This 'Other Guy'

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The next day, I'm informed we're taking a trip back to Brooklyn. Steve is getting the serum today, I guess. I'm not sure why the rush, but it's not my place to argue. I take a car with Stark all the way back home. I'm helping him with the application of the vita rays. Stark asked me to be there considering it was my discovery. We were in the back lab setting up when Peggy and Steve arrived.

"Y/N." She nods to me. "Are you ready for this?" Me and Peggy have become close over time. We're the only two women of any significance to the war at this point.

"Of course." I say to her in confidence. She turns to Steve who is undressing. Her face turns red and she comes back to me. I smirk at her.


"Shut it, Y/N." I smile back at her. Phillips instructs her to wait in the booth as he follows. Dr. Erskine starts the procedure. I tune out his speech and go over my part of the procedure in my head. When the time comes, I emit the Vita Rays as Stark calls out the percentages. The rays are taking a toll on Steve's body. He begins to scream.

"SHUT IT DOWN. Y/N, SHUT IT DOWN." I hear Peggy screaming at me from the upper level.

"Kill the reactor, Stark."

"NO! I CAN DO THIS!" Steve screams from inside the pod.

"Stevie." I whisper to myself. My eyes begin to flood. Howard sees this and takes over. The energy circuits and the lights go dim. The pod releases and all of our eyes are met with a sweaty Steve, who has grown a few sizes. My jaw drops a bit at the sight. I run over to him.

"Stevie. I mean.. Rogers. How are you feeling."

"I'm fine, Agent." He smiles at the exchange of the secret. Peggy races over to him and talks to him, quickly becoming flustered. All of the sudden, the upper layer is engulfed in flames. A slim man retrieves the last vial of serum and shoots Dr. Erskine causing him to fall to the floor. Peggy takes off instantly after him. Steve crouches down and later also takes after the man. Me and Howard attempt to save Dr. Erskine, but he's too far gone. Half an hour later Peggy and Steve both return, and apprise us of the situation. I start taking Steve's blood, in hope of resurrecting the program, but without Erskine, I wouldn't hold my breath. 

The car ride back to base is silent for the most part. Me and Peggy arrive at our quarters. We're the only two in the room of course.

"So... You and Stevie. I mean Steve." I ask her.

"I could ask you the same thing." She replies, slightly annoyed. I take a deep breath.

"I knew him before all this. He was my best friend, alongside another guy."

"Do I know this 'other guy'?"

"No. He's in the 107th. I haven't seen him since he left." My eyes get low.

"I wouldn't say 'yes' to the whole me and Steve thing. I'm an agent here, which is practically a miracle. You know how hard it would be for anyone to take me seriously if I fell in love with someone. Plus, I won't see him anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Phillips wont allow him to fight, since the serum is only in him. One of the senators is having him work as a mascot or something. A show I think."

"Well, that's a waste. He was meant for more." I say.

"So.. This other guy?

"What about him?"

"Is he JUST your best friend? Or is there something more there?"

"Just my best friend. Him and Steve are all I have. And now you I guess." She smiles warmly. We decide on going to bed. We turn out the light and get situated.



"This is a war. And I might've heard Philips saying something about the 107th shipping out tomorrow. If there was something you had to tell your friend, it might be a good idea to hitch a ride over there tonight."

"He made a promise to me that he'll come back. However irrational it might sound, I'm choosing to believe him. Plus, if I went, I don't think I'd be able to leave." The room goes dead. No other conversation follows. I sit there pondering. This is what I've been afraid of.

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