Questionable Choices

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It's getting closer and closer to 7:30 and I start to get ready. I decide on a blue dress that is tighter around my torso and flares out into a pleated skirt. It's long sleeved with a sweetheart neckline. I fix my hair and makeup and hear a small knock on the door.

"Let's go, doll. We're already late." Bucky yells up the steps in jest.

"I'm coming, Barnes. Who said you could call me that?" I scream back.

"I did." I rolled my eyes at him in the mirror. I grab my favorite heels and rush out of my room. I walk down the stairs and catch a glimpse at him in his uniform. It fits him perfectly. The color compliments his blue eyes very well. His hat sits crooked on his head, which makes him look even better. My jaw drops just a little. Steve and Bucky both stared at me back.

"Jeez Y/N, way to show us up. You look great."

"Thanks Stevie. You look good too. You better have Bucky teach you how to do that before he leaves tomorrow." I joke.

"We ready?" Bucky asks us both. We nod in agreement. "I'm driving your car Y/N." Bucky says and I roll my eyes at him.

We all got in the car, with me and Bucky in the front and Steve in the back along with the dates who still manage to talk over me when I try to add to the conversation. I already know this night was gonna be fun to say the least, but I'm still gonna go for Bucky.

I sat there in silence, tuning out of the conversation. Bucky is leaving tomorrow. My absolute best friend in the entire world is leaving in one day, and I could very well never see him again. There is nothing I can do either. Don't get me wrong, I love Steve too, but Bucky was my first real friend, even though we're complete opposites. I just feel closer to him. I snap back into reality when we arrive.

"Oh boy! Another exposition that Howard literally rehearsed to me a thousand times before." I think to myself. Both girls got out of the car and stood at either side of Bucky.

"I thought this was a double date for the two of you. Not a Bucky fanclub." I whisper to Steve. He laughs back.

The crowd is large and there's barely any room to stand. Bucky is one of the last good-looking men in New York, so the crowd is practically parting for him. He somehow manages to get us all to the front. Howard starts his presentation and I faze out staring at Bucky. He really does look good. I sit there thinking about everything happening. If Bucky came back in a bag, I don't think I'd be able to go on, honestly. Him and Steve are all I have left. My parents died a few years ago along with Bucky and Steve's. It was kinda a mutual thing we bonded over, I guess. When we met, Bucky and Steve were already best friends, so I joined in a way. I start to tear up thinking about it all.

I'm interrupted by Bucky asking where Steve was. He was just here. I spot him from across the area, entering an enlistment tent.

"Here we go, again." Bucky says softly. We both follow him over there, leaving Bucky's dates behind finally.

"What are you doing, Steve?" I say to him.

"It's a fair, might as well try my luck here." Bucky and Him go back and forth for a while, until it ends in a hug and a cheesy line.

"Don't do anything stupid until I get back." Bucky says to him.

"How could I, you're taking all the stupid with you." Steve shoots back. They exchange smiles.

"You guys are dorks." I snicker. Steve shoves me and shakes his head. Bucky and I go back to the two dumb broads who are still waiting after like ten minutes.

"Let's go dancing." Bucky says to which I respond with a face that says "There's no way I'm hanging out with you and two of your groupies. I look like a third groupie." He gives me back a pleading face. I was his ride since we did bring my car, so I couldn't just leave him. "Fine." my eyes say. We get in the car and I drive, while James sits in the back, flirting with the girls. The way he acts around them makes me mad for some reason. I can't really explain why.

We all get to the club that Bucky loves to go to. We eat and I make sure to order the most expensive thing, just to taunt Bucky which earns me dirty looks for the rest of dinner. He goes out to dance with his dates, and I sit there waiting to be his driver alone. For some reason, his dates left in a hurry. I don't ask him why, because honestly, I don't care at all.

"Done so soon? Shame." I tease him.

"No. I figured I'd put you out of your misery." He shoots back. I roll your eyes and sip on my Sprite.

"Let's dance." I look at him funny. "Just come on Y/N. It's my last day, and we both don't have anyone to dance with to this horrid song."

"Shut up. This is my favorite song." I laugh.

He takes my hand and guides me to the floor. He sets his hands on my waste and I drape mine behind his neck. His eyes are closer to mine than ever before. I can't tell if it's the reflection of his uniform, but his eyes have green in them that I've never noticed.

"So.. you're really leaving me, Barnes? What am I gonna do without someone to mock endlessly."

"Oh come on. You can find someone new. What about that guy over there? He's good looking, I think."

"Well for one, I think I might be taller than him. Two, he's drunk and I can smell him from over here." I say, shaking my head. "Like I said earlier today: You have some questionable choices." I laugh. His jaw clenches up.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that before I left." His eyes look at mine. I become nervous quickly.

"Everything ok, James?

"Yeah of course, It's- Well It's like.."

"I got it!" Steve's voice is coming from behind me. "They accepted me! I'm shipping out tomorrow too, Buck!" My face falls at the news.

"Congratulations." I say, weakly. Bucky congratulates him too.

"Let's go to my house and we can talk more there." I say and we head out the door.

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