I Promised You, Didn't I

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Weeks go by without word. I pretty much accepted the fact that I had lost not one, but both of my best friends in less than a year. I figured I'd at least get their body's back or something, but Steve never contacted us. I keep trying to push the thought out of my head as much as possible. Later in the day, Philips calls me and Peggy in for a meeting which can't be good.

"Steve was the one and only super soldier. Without him, we can kiss winning the war goodbye. I can't yell at Stark, but you two? I took a chance with you both. They're probably gonna shut down this whole division. So, Y/N you can kiss your job goodbye. And as for you Peggy. You thought because you had a little crush, you thought it'd be okay to send a valuable individual into a half-assed plan?" Commotion starts outside the tent.

"I had faith, sir."

"Faith. That's great. You can't win a war on faith. Now, what the hell is going on out there." Each of us rush out. Coming up over the hill is a brigade of men. They are led by none other than Steve. I rush up to him, but he's in the middle of what seems like a serious talk with Phillips. I wait behind him patiently. I lift my head and catch a sight of Bucky. My face drops in disbelief. I run over to him and hug him tight. I feel my eyes beginning to fill.


"Yes, doll?"

"Your back."

"I promised you, didn't I?" I pull away from the hug and look into his steel blue eyes. I smile.



"You stink." I laugh. He laughs too and pulls me back into a hug. After a moment, the hug breaks again. I'm standing inches away from him, just looking at him. Maybe Howard's right. Maybe I do love this boy.

"Wait a minute. Why are you here?" He says to me.

"I took your advice and asked Stark a favor." He smiles.

"I'm so happy to see you, doll."

"Don't call me that." I smile at him.

"Fine. Y/N it is." Steve comes up to the side of us both.

"I guess Howard was right." He says quiet enough for only me to hear it. My cheeks turn red.

"Where's Peggy?" I respond.

"Getting the guys some medical attention."

"I should probably go help. Neither of you leave again. I'm serious. We're all good now." They both chuckle at me.

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