Part 5: Birthday and Found

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I was sleeping with Wanda and I cuddling each other when my door banged open. Their was Nana and she started shaking us together while yelling, "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!"

Wanda got out of it and up to the bathroom. I missed her warmth and went more into a blanket burrito. Nana have my enough just got the bed and flipped it over the side with me ont the floor. I had dagger and pistol under my bed and the pistol hit my head but didn't go off when the dagger went right beside my ear drawing a bit of blood. The elves were their watching from the doorway trying and failing to hid their giggles. "Clean up and they well have breakfast as a family."

I stayed like that for a bit until Wanda got out of the bathroom having showered as I can tell by her wet hair. She gets dressed and went downstairs. I got up from under the mattress and put it back the way it was with magic. Then I took a shower, did my hair, it's getting real long, it's down to my waist, get dressed while handing weapons in pretty much every part of my outfit.

I wore blue jeans that were worn, I've had them for years and they just wore out. I have the growth charm on them so they grew with me for a bit. I put on a blue long sleeve shirt with a middle finger in grey on it along with black dragonhide combat boots. I also put on my beanie even if it still doesn't cover all my hair.

I head downstairs to the smell of bacon. Their was a breakfast quiche ready to eat. I got the first slice along with candle on it. None of us really live sweats to we put the candle on savory stuff, as we have to go to a shopping center, I got it for breakfast. The quiche was a potatoes and onion based with bacon on the side with a bit crumpled and sprinkled on top.

I was going for a bit but the plate moved. I looked up and I knew who did it as she started singing with everyone else, "HaPpY bIrThDaY tO yOu, HaPpY bIrThDaY tO yOu, HaPpY bIrThDaY dEaR hAdRiAn, HaPpY bIrThDaY tO yOu!" I swear whoever heard got killed with their horrible voices.

"Thank you, now can we eat?"

" Yes." I grabbed the plate of food back and started eating fast but elegant. I finished by the time everyone ate half. I went for another but 2 owls flew into the room. The seemed winded. I gave them each a bit of bacon and got their letters off of them. One was from Hogwarts and it was loaded with compulsions. I saved it and sent it to the goblins to use against Dumblefuck in front of the owl and wrote my reply.

It was a colorful worded no and an even bigger no since it was so full of compulsions. I sent that owl off with a homemade bomb for the headmaster. I told her to put it in front of him when he was with a lot of people. She went away after that as I was looking at the Ilvermorny owl, eagle, I don't know but it was proud.

They said if I want to go I would have to get a full psyche check with a full magical physical that has to be cleared by either the goblins or a professional heal, preferably both. Basically a full magical and medical check up for both metal and physical problems.

I sent my letter back in the affirmative that I will be going to Ilvermorny. It within the top 5 schools in the world and their 5 American wizard school with it standing at the top. Hogwarts is not even considered within the top 10 schools in the world even though it is the only one in Britain. Their is another one in Ireland though. A lot of the more wealthy send their kids to higher schools to do better or Hogwarts do they can have authority over the school.

Their were 3 presents that family gave me. "Here you go champ, this is for when your at school." I open the present and in their was Beretta 92, matte black with a green engraving on both sides on the barrel. What it said was, Arvada Kedavra. "It's written in your basilisk's venom so only you will be able to clean and use it as it will kill anyone who touches the barrel."

"Thank you," I hugged her and went back to my seat.

"Open mine Hadrian." My lovable person said that so I open hers. It was a necklace. It had half a heart and it was carved out of sapphire. "You have your half and I have mine." She lifted up about her half of heart made out of ruby. We put them together and they fit together perfectly. "They also tell how the others doing and if they are in danger. We can also talk telepathically."

Put Together AgainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon