Part 1: Escape From the Asylum

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I woke up with a pounding headache. I got up from the rock slab they call a bed. I was in a straightjacket when I got up and looked in the mirror that was cover in a hard layer of plastic. I get a good look at my features. I had short white hair with some dried blood in it with different colored eyes. One was black with a gold circle that glowed while the other is bloodshot with a lot of red in it with blue that has purple cracks in the color.

I  look at my face, it has some scars with several being very fresh. Several cuts and what looks like somthing blunt by my bloodshot eyes. Must be that blood going in it. My straightjacket is white with lots of dried blood on it.

I try to get out of it and it just rips like it was cheap cloth. I sit on my bed while feeling the power in me. After a while a nurse that's nice to me comes in with some food after she unlocked the door with the multiple deadbolts and other locks on the metal door.

The door closes but doesn't lock behind her. She looks surprised and asks, "how was you sleep Hadrian?" She looks slightly worried as I kind of ignore her. I could tell she already pressed her panic button as I hear shuffling from outside coming down the corridor.

"It was ok, did you know?" The shuffling was getting closer.

"Know what Hadrian?" She looks a bit scared as I hear the shuffling is now almost outside my door.

I smile at her, a smile so wild and psychotic and full of blood lust that she steps back, "I'm getting out today." The door busts open and I punch the first one through the door. My hand goes through his abdomen. I start fighting them, more like carving them up with my hands as a swing of a baton hits me in the head where my eyes is still bloodshot.

My obsurus starts coming out and we filling more. The hall is drenched in blood as I walk through it. I'm heading to the female juvenile cell block. The Metal doors, the walls, the people, nothing is stopping me as I kill and walk.

Finally I get to Wanda's cell. I knock and over the alarms and din of the place Wanda and still hear me. She can sense my magic. "Get out of the way Wanda, we're leaving." I heave the hum of a jet. Something just landed. I punch the door and busted in.

Wanda walks out and sees me with all of the abuse I suffered and people I killed to get her out. I have my hand out as she takes it. "Ready Wanda?"

"Always my King." I hug her as I see people walking in. I know their scanning my mind to see what happened.

The one in blue fur speaks. "Stop, you get back to your cell and no one gets hurt."

I'm still hugging Wanda and I smile at them in all it's glory. The one with a laser thing shots as I teleport (apperate) to Diagon Alley. Breaking though wards and defense mechanism with semi ease.

We fall to the ground and everyone looks at us. Me with the bloody hair, cuts and bruises and Wanda. With semi clean clothes but my blood still on them. We get up as the wizards and witches are watching us with curiosity and fear. I get up even through the pain and haul Wanda up as well. We start waking into the crowd toward the goblin bank. They clear a path for us.

We get up and see the goblin guard eyeing us. They tense as if they are going to fight. I nod at them and walk in. Everything drops as people and goblins are looking at us. We head to the head teller. I'm in pain but it's bearable. For anyone else it would not be. I could tell all of the goblins are ready for a fight.

We get to the head teller and I start in Gobbledygook, "Hello Head Teller, may you gold flow like water into the ocean and you enemies fall beneath you blade in droves. I need an inheritance test, medical checkup and healer, and a impurities test for both of us, along with a meeting with the King."

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