Part 2: Goblins Meeting

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My eyelids feel heavy but i still open them and look around the room I'm in. Black stone walls with me on a slab of it along with curtains around what seems to be another slab.

I try to move but as it hurts I move anyway. That's when a Female goblin walks in in healers robes. She sees me awake and comes to me. She makes me lay back down and I do so. She does a diagnostic spell and gives me two potions. I drink them even though they taste awful.

Then she finally speaks, "It was good that you were brought to us. You would have lived but been crippled if brought to a muggle hospital or even Saint Mugos. You have you sight back. Tell me when you get up if you have anymore pain. I have clothes for you and the Sokovian Witch. Wake her up and both of you change, you have a meeting with the Kings Council."

She gave me clothes and some more for Wanda. I get up and I don't feel in pain more of a high. I use my body control and heal anything lingering as well as overcharging my stomach and kidney to get everything out. I only now realize how hungry I am but not for now. I'm used to the hunger pains and not being fed for weeks.

I wake Wanda up and give her the clothes. They match mine except hers are red while mine are blue. We were just dressed in underwear, sweatpants and sweaters. She changed and soon the healer brings in food for both of us and drinks.

We eat in silence but Wanda keeps looking up from her food at me probably mulling over something.

Are food was this red bread with some soup with vegetables and tiny bits of meat. As the drink we have water in a cup and this drink in a glass bottle that tastes like butter with Christmas spices in it.

We ate all of the food and soon the healer lead us to the teller which lead us deeper underground to underground train. He came with us and we talked while on the train.

"So how long were we out?" I asked.

"3 days. We had it closed down so when we left Gringotts went back open for business. I hear a whole lot of Aurors and the minister came in as we opened up to talk to me to try and get one or both of you. Hell, even some ordinary wizards and maybe even a bug came to get a scoop. Good thing I left my assistant and the assistant head teller in charge."

"Did you look at our inheritance tests?"

"Yes, do you wanna look oh Master of Death?" He turned to Wanda, "how about you oh Scarlet Witch?"

We both wanted to and said yes at the same time. He gave us two scrolls. "This is the only one right?"

"No we made a copy of both and sent them with a messenger to the high king."

"Let's keep it that way, if feel more comfortable if after we're done all of the get burned." I looked at Wanda, "both of ours."

"We can do that, everything for a price. We still have to get the money from you for the healing, food, and clothes."

"How much?"

"200 Galleons."






The goblin looked disturbed and smiled a bloodthirsty smile at me. I gave him one of my bloodthirsty psychotic smiles and he laughed. "100."

"Deal, 100 galleons. Take it out of what I assume my vaults are. We gonna have a business meeting after my meeting with the king, got it."

"Yes sir," he said sarcastically. I bet he thinks we won't live though the meeting. Little bastard even though he's my size. Wanda was just laughing as she was reading my surface thoughts.

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