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I was at a loss for words what he was doing her and what he wanted.

"What are you doing here" I said while looking for my keys.

"You so nervous ma" he says stepping closer.

"Chris back up" I said.

I hadn't seen him since our last time hooking up. Having sex with Chris wasn't supposed to happen but it did and I feel bad about it and we both said we would go separate ways and never speak of it again.


"Chris he's just acting like he don't care anymore, maybe I'm not good enough for him." I said while sitting with Chris

"Shae you are a beautiful strong woman, I great mom and you would make an even better wife. I just wish I would have realized it when I had you "he said.

I don't what it was but I kissed him, he placed me on his lap deepen the kiss and grabbing my ass. He trailed kissed down my neck and kisses on breast he pulled my shirt off and I pulled away and hopped up

"Shae I'm so sorry I'll take you -" he had started too say but I shut him up with a another kiss and I whispered in his ear and said

"Chris I Want You Now"

With that he carried me bridal style up to his room and threw me back on the bed.

He put his tongue to work and I couldn't help but let out a moan and before I knew I was feeling every inch of Chris in me


"So you can't answer my phone calls' he said stepping closer to me.

Ever since we had sex that time Chris has been calling and texting. He even threatened to tell Kaden about it. I know I was wrong but Chris got me at time of weakness.


Its 5 months since I last saw Shaè and we had sex and I couldn't stop thinking about her, I would call and text but she wouldn't respond to me. I knew Kaden had a game and her and Nene would be there so I figured I pay her a visit. I was driving around looking for her car when I found it so I parked like four cars down and waited till they walked out once I saw the crowed if people starts too come out I went around to the front of her car and waited.

I saw her come out carrying a sleeping Nevaeh, I just thought to myself this should be our child not that niggas. Once I saw she had her in her car seat and getting ready to get into the car I came around from the front.

"Good to see you again" I said making her jump. She looked like she was at lost for words

"What are you doing here" she said while looking for her keys.

"You so nervous ma" I says stepping closer.

"Chris back up" She said

You could see in her eyes she was scared and shocked to see me

"So you can't answer my phone calls" He said stepping closer to me.

"Chris I have nothing to say you" she told me.

After hear that I got mad, what the fuck she mean she don't have nothing to say to me we had sex almost 4 months ago and she don't have shit too say me bullshit , She better have something too say.

" What you mean , Shae we had Sex 4 months ago and it was unprotected and I didn't pull out , for all we know your ass could be pregnant and you ain't got shit too say to me" I said almost yelling

Her face looked pale; you could tell she looked scared and mad

"What the fuck Chris, Why didn't you use a condom, Shit why didn't you pull out. What if I did get pregnant by you what the fuck am I suppose too tell my FIANCÉ" she said yelling the last word

"Your Emotional Ass should have thought of that when you told me you wanted me that night" I said yelling back

After that I felt bad for saying that cause felt bad cause if she was pregnant by me I wanted to be there for both her and my seed. I was slapped outta my thought when She Hit me and Got in Her car and speed off.

***** The Next Day******


I had my doctor appointment to day to find out the sex of my baby. Kaden still don't know that I'm pregnant and after yesterday with Chris I'm scared to tell him cause what if the baby isn't Kaden's and its Chris's baby I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I had just drop Nene off with Jaziah while I went to the doctors. Monaé was going to meet me at the doctors I had already told her and Donaé about Chris and I having sex and that I'm scared the baby is his too. They wasn't happy but I mean damn you think I am.




"Well Mrs. Davis Are you ready to find out the sex of your baby" The Doctor said

I just shook my head yes , this is my first pregnancy and I'm not to excited about it ; one cause my soon to be husband doesn't want kids now and I don't know if it's his , Then my crazy ex who I slept with cause I didn't fell loved could be the father. How and when did my life get this fucked up?

"Well it looks like you are having a baby .............







Just something for y'all cause I've gotten really lazy with updating. But What IS She having A Boy Or Girl?

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