Letter to person I hate

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Hate is such a strong word but in your case its not strong enough.

 I detest,abominate,abhor,loathe;and every other hate related word in the dictionary,you.

You disgust me

You should be castrated

You should be made to live in a swamp.

You should have your arms and legs ripped off and left on top of an erupting volcano,

You should be put in a room with shrinking walls till you get squished.

You have have a grenade stuck up your arse

Your face should be shoved in broken glass

 I would continue but I am not a very violent or a sadistic person so i wont.

I hope you lose your job.

I cannot think of any salvation which conveys the complete contempt i have for you.

You are the human equivalent of a broken lava lamp,repulsive,doesn't work and full of oily slime.

I will call you a poncing, pontificating pompous prat, but i am not writing to praise you

Dont listen to what the Loreal Adverts say. You are NOT worth it.

Your a prick.

Do not think that because this is the last sentence in this letter i have finished, That i have vented my system, I have merely scratched the surface


And if the message has not gotten through.

I hate you!

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