Letter to somebody I dont talk to as often but wish I could

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Dear Friend.

We used to be really close.But since you moves away to Australia,Not so much.

I wish we could talk more but the phone calls are so irrarating and skype is just annoying with all the different time zones and nothing can ever compare being face to face

Although we do talk every other week or so, I wish we could talk more.

I wish more than anything you would come back to visit. I know you were planning on doing that this summer and i just cannot wait to see you.

I miss your chocolate chip cookies. uMMMMMMMM 

But, You have always been there for me, since I was small when i first tripped and my dolls nose ripped,we both sat and sewed it back together and the amazing shopping trips we had where we would spend all day in oxford street.

I miss those times and I miss you.

We really need to talk more and I Hope this summer is one of the best you have ever had(specially considering it will be winter in Australia and so that means 2 summers for you )

Always my sunshine



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