Chapter Sixteen

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Melioralee felt as though her heart was soaring in the days that followed the events in the garden. Every moment shared between herself and Caspian felt magical. If anyone was oblivious to their relationship before, it was no secret now.

Whispers and speculations filled the palace walls saying, "when will they make an announcement," "how will he propose" and "what'll her wedding gown look like?"

Yet through all the quiet buzz, Caspian and Melioralee kept silent, their smiles being the only content given for the servants to gossip about.

All too soon the Burchard's visit neared its end. With only a few days left; the couple spent every possible moment at each other's sides.

"We should talk about the next steps before you leave." Caspian commented as he and Melioralee sat on a garden bench watching the fountain one evening.

"We should." Melioralee sighed, lifting her head from Caspian's shoulder.

"I think it unwise to make any announcements just yet. There are still some unresolved tensions with Calormene and I need to formally decline lord Ervale's offer for my pick of his daughters..."

"Lord Ervale of Archenland?"

"Yes; you know him?"

"There is a chance Aloysius does. I only know of him. When did he offer you any of his daughters' hands in marriage?"

"Shortly after Calormene's surrender. In fact, I had only been at the Anvard castle for two days when he approached me."

"Ambitious man, it would seem. What kept you from saying no then and there?"

The tone of mischief in Melioralee's voice brought a grin to Caspian's face.

"I did. I couldn't divulge to him at the time that my interests laid elsewhere, so he insisted I "think it over for a few months"."

"A few months? Not as ambitious as I thought."

"Oh, no; he's ambitious all right. Lord Ervale is a politician and knows how to charm his way into people's good graces. His charm isn't good enough to earn the title of king so the closest he will ever get to greatness is through his daughters. If they are wed to one of higher status than himself, that is."

Melioralee pondered this quietly for a moment, a sad frown creasing her forehead.


"It's just sad to me that a father would seek power over the happiness of his own children."

"Oh, he loves them, I don't mean to sound slanderous of lord Ervale. He is simply always at the forefront of his own mind...remember, you were very lucky to have the father you did. Not everyone shares in that blessing."

"Caspian!" Melioralee exclaimed, sitting up straight, "Are there orphans in Narnia?"

"Very, very few." Caspian reassured, grabbing Melioralee's hand. "In Narnia there are three to be exact. A family of fawns who had lost their mother before I even knew Narnia existed...their father died in the War of Deliverance during the Narnian Revolution little over two years ago. Another family took them in, so they are well taken care of, but they are without their parents. In Telmar there are more...we have an orphanage there much like the one in Anvard."

"I would like to visit next time I am here if I could."

"Of course. Speaking of next time...we've become distracted from our original conversation."

"Oh, yes. Next steps...timing of an announcement."

"Yes. I was thinking you could return for the Festival of Ancients. A courtship could be announced on the last night of the week, the Day of Remembrance. There is a massive feast assembled on the grounds of Aslan's Camp near Beruna, and all of Narnia participates. I can't think of a better way to introduce Narnia to their future queen."

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