#104. The PSI Balls Method

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What is a PSI Ball?
PSI Ball: Is the ability to create a ball that you can hold between your hands with your imagination and energy.

When you create a PSI Ball, you will learn about the manipulation of energy; using the power of the mind alone.

Anything at all can be "shaped" by the mind. In fact, everything that exists, not only within the physical universe. But in the entire universe is conscious, intelligent energy, "shaped" by the power of your mind.

How To Make a PSI Ball:

Step 1) Get in a comfortable place and make sure you're relaxed and very concentrated. Put your hands in front of you, (as if you are holding a ball).

Then start to visualize energy flowing in your body. Move to your hands. Feel the energy build more and more in your hands.

Note: It's recommended to have your eyes closed while doing this.

Step 2) Visualize energy flowing from your hand into a ball/spherical shape above your hand. Then visualize this ball-like shape and have a good picture of what it is going to look like.

Take the energy that is in your hand. And cause it to be released upwards, then feel the energy resting on your hand.

Ask yourself, "What does this feel like? Does it feel cold, warm, tingly, like static, vibrational, or something else?"

Get a feel for what it is like, it can be any size and color.

Step 3) While concentrating on keeping the PSI Ball there, remove your hand. It will stay there as long as you are aware of it.

Place your hand back under the ball. Feel the energy that is still there. Notice that it did not go away.

And repeat what you want the PSI Ball to do for 2 minutes. Picture it absorbing the message (you can program it to do a certain task, this is what they are for!).

After you are done, just let the ball fly free and visualize it exploding. The explosion creates something like glitter falling around you.

Quick caution: Making these energy balls can draw a large amount of energy. There is no limit on how many you can make, but also minimize when creating them from time to time. Once the ball is casted/has exploded, it is working and giving you what you demanded at a fast speed.

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