Tsuguko Search [35]

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**'Trust you'... If I don't trust myself, then who could I? I trust that I can come up with an answer... **

???: Are you alright, master Y/N?

I snapped back and stopped overthinking things. Kiyo had brought me some medicine and food in on a cart, but I was so out of it that I hadn't realized she was there.

Y/N: Hey, thank you. I'm fine, yeah.

Kiyo: You've been zoning out a lot these last couple of days. Something happened at that meeting you went to, didn't it?

It had been a week since I returned to the Butterfly Mansion with Shinobu. I was recovering well, but I had a lot on my mind after what was talked about during the Hashira Summoning.

Y/N: Some things came up that I've just been thinking about... It's nothing serious.

She didn't look convinced as she grabbed a chair and sat down next to the bed I was lying on.

Kiyo: I don't know... You've been thinking A LOT.

Y/N: It's that obvious, huh?

Kiyo: Actually Miss Aoi noticed first and she told us to keep an eye on you and make sure you were okay.

Y/N: Well isn't that thoughtful.

Kiyo: But after we started paying closer attention, we noticed you've been really out of it. Do you want to talk about it?

**It's nothing secret, and even if it was, it's just me and Kiyo here and I trust her. I guess there's no pain in sharing some of the things I've been thinking about.**

Kiyo: Unless you don't want to! I'm not trying to force you or anything!

Y/N: No-no, I was just thinking again.

**What's been irking me this whole time...**

Y/N: I don't know what I'm allowed to share, but long story short, the others- Hashira- are worried that the quality of Slayers has dropped. So I suggested that they all start looking for one or a few Tsugukos. You know, like Kanao is to Lady Shinobu?

Kiyo: That sounds like a good idea to me.

Y/N: I thought so too. But all of them had very compelling reasons why it hasn't worked out for them. Whether it be lazy students or their training is too difficult... I think there's a solution to that problem, I just don't know what yet.

Kiyo: Oooh I get it. So that's what you've been thinking about.

Y/N: Right. There has to be some middle ground between effective training and overtraining.

Naho and Sumi entered the room to check what was taking Kiyo so long to bring the cart back.

Naho: Hey.

Sumi: There you are. We thought something might've happened.

Y/N: Oh, hey y'all.

Naho: What're we talking about?

Y/N: Some strategizing for the future... I don't know.

Sumi: Well what's the issue?

Kiyo: The Demon Slayers want more powerful people, so master Y/N is trying to figure out a solution.

Y/N: So here's the problem: The other Hashira aren't interested in training any more Tsuguko any time soon because they think that nobody can keep up with their training regiments.

Sumi: Hmm...

Naho: Hmm...

They all sat and thought for a bit before Sumi came up with a response.

A Beautiful Demon (Demon Slayer Females X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora