10th Hashira [28]

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I couldn't keep going on like this. I had been slaying demons nonstop for the last year. Ringo gives me missions sometimes, but at this point, I'm hunting demons on my own time and I think the Slayer Corps have just accepted that. I've even heard of people referring to me as the phantom Tenth Hashira.

**A year training and a year killing demons... What an exciting existence. How many demons have I even slain, at least a hundred by now... I'm not doing this for acclaim, but that title of 10th Hashira is kind of cool I guess... It doesn't matter anyway if other Slayers are too timid to talk to me.**

I was tired and I was depressed. Taking the lives of so many beings, whether they were demons or humans, took a big toll on my mental sanity. I couldn't keep this up forever. Some days I considered retiring or letting a demon defeat me just so I could be freed from this physical and mental pain. However, I knew that was just the depression trying to fool me. I needed to find Muzan and put an end to this as soon as possible so nobody else would need to suffer anymore. Then, and only then, would I be allowed to retire and just relax.

**I wish I at least knew what Muzan looked like. What are the odds I've already crossed paths with him before and didn't realize? No... My intuition would've alerted me. Where is he hiding?!**

I dragged myself through the woods hoping to find either Muzan or a place to rejuvenate. I found neither for a while. Eventually, I wandered the woods for long enough to come across signs of civilization. It was a decent-sized village. I stumbled through the village I was in looking for somewhere to get a meal. My body and head were crying out for rest, but I couldn't stop now. Muzan was out there and the more time I wasted, the more lives he could've been ruining. I was reminded of a lesson my master once taught me.

Izanagi: Imagine you're in a mine with a pickaxe. You're tearing through walls in search of gold, but you haven't found any after hours of mining. If you choose to stop and go back, you forfeit your chance to get that gold without realizing that it may have only been one swing away.

I had to put an end to this, but I wouldn't be able to reach Muzan if I just stopped now. At the same time, I wouldn't be able to stop him in my current condition. I needed to swallow my pride and take a break.

**Sorry, master. I'll be back for that one last swing later... Is there a safe house anywhere nearby? Where exactly am I?**

I trekked through the area for a while until I found a village. I asked around to find out where I was, but hearing their responses didn't help me out much. I had no other option but to call for Ringo and hope that he could guide me to a safe place to rest. I headed off into the woods to get away from civilization.

Y/N: Ringo! Hey, Ringo!

After a few moments, Ringo came flying out of the trees and landed on my head.

Ringo: What is it? What is it?!

Y/N: Ringo, I'm exhausted but you could probably already tell that. I was wondering if you knew where there was a Wisteria incrested house nearby. Where's the closest one?

Ringo flew up into the air and started pointing his beak in a specific direction.

Ringo: Go that way! Leave the woods and follow the trail west! You will find it somewhere!

Y/N: Thanks, Ringo. I owe you one.

Ringo: Whatever, I'm leaving now!

Ringo flew up into the sky and soared away. I followed his instructions and headed out of the woods and onto the trail. I walked with my head down, but I tried to keep up a steady pace. I didn't want the sun to go down while I was still out here, because I was too tired to fight any demons right now. I was thankful for my custom-made sword sheath that had small traces of Wisteria in it. It wasn't too potent, but it did a good job of scaring off weak demons that may have tried to attack me otherwise. Still, I didn't want to be out here by nightfall.

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