The Date Part 1

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(Nova's P.O.V.)

I was just waking up and I saw Chrome sleeping with me, or rather I was sleeping on the bed and he was sleeping on the floor with his back against the wall, and I just started to remember, I was walking down the shore with Chrome and I got extremely tired, I fell asleep and now I'm here?
Chrome must've carried me here, but I don't understand why he didn't sleep on the bed, well it seems that what Sienna and Kiva said is true, he is a true gentleman...
As I started to wake up so did he, but I knew he was going to feel a bit of pain from sleeping like that...
"Hey sweetie..." Chrome said in low voice...
"Hey... Honey, why didn't you sleep on the bed with me?" I asked...
"It's your room, I was to walk here and just do anything, then what kind of jaeger would I be?"
"And so you decide to sleep against the wall and let me have the bed for all my lonesome?"
"Well yes, -I mean no, - I mean yes-" Chrome stumbled in his answer...
"Chrome look at me.." I said and waited for him to look at me... "This is also your home okay? You brought me more joy then I could ever think..." I said while getting off the bed and hugging him...
"Well that's a lesson learned, but honey, could you let go of me for a second, my back is really hurting..." he said...
"Oh, sorry, and there is another lesson..." I said...
"And that would be?"
"Don't sleep on the floor..."
We laughed for a little while till we got enough energy to get out of my room and into the dining area, I was up and saw Uncle Guardian still sleeping walking a bit and I decided to wake him up, as I got close to him he just moved unpredictably and just grabbed me and petted my head while in a hug, and he some something about being a 'good little candy', I just stay still and he just went about to the dining area and I just laughed at what Uncle Guardian just did...
"Does he always does that?" Chrome asked...
"At times, and he never does anything bad, I talk about it with my parents and they said that Uncle Guardian was always was a sleeper, and he took every chance to sleep, especially when he was our age, and in the academy, he was always getting woken up by the 'teachers' since he spent almost all night practicing and training... I guess old habits die hard..." I said...
"No offence, but he looks like a zombie when he is sleeping walking..." Chrome said...
"What's a zombie?"
"You don't know?"
I shook my head
"Zombies are living dead humans, Kiva and Sienna watched a horror movie back home and they got really scared, but I watched with them so they don't have scared alone and in the end I got scared with them, so scared that by the point that when my mother went to check on us I aimed a loaded turret to her..."
"Ooo... And what happen?"
"She understood why and she wasn't mad, she knew the three of us were scared..."
"And how are they taking it?"
"Still scared, they say that the only place they feel safe is in my conn-pod, the best of it is that they lost a bit of sleep over it and they get super sleepy when they come to me, and I get to wake them up."
As I said we heard Kiva and Sienna walking towards Chrome, as they did, they were as he said, super sleepy, and when they got to Chrome's foot they fell asleep, I swear I could see some evil in Chrome, he put a finger in-front of his conn-pod and kneeled down and blew his horn and both Kiva and Sienna jumped awake, like they almost lost their soul...

(Like the horn from one of those oiler ships, you know? The massive ones?)

Me and Chrome started laughing and he picked up Kiva and Sienna who didn't seem too happy, when we arrived at the dining area, everybody was awake and eating, *except for the jaegers* Kiva and Sienna were giving Chrome the silent treatment, and I could see that it was taking it's toll on Chrome, and I could see, Abigail came and I asked her to talk to Kiva and Sienna to thin the ice a bit...
She did that but I could see they weren't ready to forgive Chrome yet...

*With Eden*

(Eden's P.O.V.)

This sucks...
I wake up good, clear skies, good day to visit Nova, and what rains on my parade is that mom just removed my "travelling privileges", and according them, they said  that "I'm not permitted to go out of the base" either, I can't believe it!
I've been sitting with my back against the ground and my legs on the wall near the drop point for a good hour or two...
Later I hear footsteps coming my way and I see David and John walking towards me...
"Hey Eden, how are you doing?" John asked...
I just turn my conn-pod towards their direction and just looked at them without saying a peep...
"Bored out of your mind right?" John asked again...
"John not now... What's the matter Eden?" David said while elbowing John...
"It ain't fair, I go out for a walk, get ambushed, dragged to who knows where, saved by strangers, kept there as their quote, un-quote 'prisoner', and when I come back, I still have fault for something that I didn't even do!" I said in anger...
"Ah, so that what this behaviour is about..." I heard my mom say from the corner...
She walked out and just stood there with her arms crossed...
I turned my head away not to make eye contact with her...
"Look, I know for a fact you tried to either fight or run, but from what you told us to look at it is hard to believe... there are no traces that you tried to run, or that you were dragged, then again, there aren't any footprints that you stood and fought either..." she said...
"Then why am I basically a prisoner at my own home?" I said...
"Don't give me that young man, you know why."
"For what? Breaking 'curfew'? Hard to do that when I was a prisoner!"
"ENOUGH! Go to your room Eden, Now!" My mom yelled...
I dropped the conversation and just got up and left...

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