Chapter 2: She's Ice

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Chapter 2


Since Luka and Kagami got together I've been trying to set up Nino and Alix. I know they belong together! (I guess I'm the matchmaker of the group). What group? The MPS of course. That stands for, well if you didn't already figure it out I can't help you then, anyway it's the Marinette Protection Squad even though she can protect herself but she shouldn't have to all by herself. I kind of have a crush on her but am afraid that I could ruin our friendship, so I'll just stay quiet about it. She needs friends right now anyway. I mean, everyone but Luka, Kagami, Alix, Nino, the famous people Mari-bug knows, we have been stuck by her side and we will always be there. I don't know why anyone left her side. I mean she is so sweet well to the people she loves and cares about. Plus she looks great in black (looking better in black than the shadows of our enemies).

After getting to school, I soon get tackled into a hug. I look up to see Mari-bug.

I smile at her and say, "Hey Mari-bug," as she gets off me.

"Hi Queenie, how are you doing?" she asks.

"Good, how about you?" I say in reply.

"Great, I have an idea," she says.

"What is it?"

"I think we should go on a field trip to..."

I cut her off, "Mari-bug, this sounds like a bad idea."

She pouts at me and says, "But you didn't let me finish!"

As she looks so adorable pouting, I give in and let her explain where and why she wants to go.



As I arrive at school on my black and red motorcycle, and I see Queenie and I tackle her to the ground.

As she looks up at me she smiles and says as I get off of her, "Hey Mari-bug."

"Hi Queenie, how are you doing?" I ask.

"Good, how about you?"

"Great, I have an idea," I say wanting to talk about my idea to go to Gotham.

"What is it?"

"I think we should go on a field trip to..."

She cuts me off, "Mari-bug, this sounds like a bad idea."

I pout at her and say knowing she can't say no to my pout, "But you didn't let me finish!"

She gives in and says, "Fine," making me squeal in excitement.

I tell her about Gotham from when I was a kid and she looks at me mischievously and agrees.

I recite this to our friends too, so now the only problem is to figure out how to get there. After I voice this opinion, Chloe comes up with the best idea ever!

"My dad, you, and your Uncle Jagged can sponsor us," she says.

I look at her as off she was a genius then run and hug her.

"Oh my gosh, Queenie you are a genius! Thank you so much!!"

We enter our classroom still talking about what we should do to get to and in Gotham. Before we can finish though I hear the crying of a horrible disease named Lila Rossi.

"Marinette th-threatened m-m-me," says the disease lying bitch herself.

Soon her loyalist follower, Alya of course, comes up to me and begins yelling at me, "Mari-slut Why did you fucking threaten our sweet innocent Lila?! What did she ever fucking do to you bitch?!"

I glared at her and say in an ice-cold tone, "She threatened me, took away all my fake shit for friends, and tried to make me become a dead mindless sheep too, oh shit wait I just insulated a sheep! Poor sheep."

This seemed to partially fuel her rage until she saw my you really want to try me bitch glare. I use the really scary one that my shit for a dad does. She quickly becomes pale and backs away.

"Goodbye now fucking leave me alone or else," I hiss as she retreats to the Lying bitch's squad.

I go up to my sit in the back and sit down with my feet on the desk. I sit next to Queenie of course with Luka and Kagami parallel from us and Nino and Alix in front of them.

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