26- Our Story

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Franny wants to see everything, so Eli and I take her everywhere. Well, I do. Eli is just as amazed to see everything Alaska has to offer.

Eli has gotten better at driving, so now he insists on doing so whenever he gets the chance. Which is slightly problematic, given the fact that he is horrible at taking directions.

"Look at you," Franny jokes from the passenger's seat. "Already acting like an old married couple."

We are coming back from the theatre. We decided to catch one of those late-late movies that go until midnight. Tonight's Franny's last day here, and she insists on staying up so she can fall asleep on board.

"That is the trick," Eli says. "Learned it years ago."

She nods. "Eventually you just get used to the jet lag."

Eli drops me off at home, and takes Franny back. Exams start in two days, so Eli is taking off tomorrow to drive Franny to the airport and binge study. I tried to bribe him into letting me study with him, but he simply called back the last time we tried to study together, when we got very distracted.

I try and study a bit myself, but quickly lose myself in the blurring words. Someday, I would get Eli to teach me how he got so lost in the world of knowledge. But today was not that day. I knew this stuff.

The day of the actual tests I keep waiting for the nerves to kick in. To feel something close to the panic shimmering in everyone else's gaze.

"We will be fine," I try and insist to Eli. "We just have to get over a C right?"

"I would rather get eighty percent minimum. Looks better for next year." He twists his hands together. "I average a ninety though. What about you?"

I shrug. "Don't really pay attention to that stuff."

Eli sighs. "You need to take this more seriously, Juno."

A few people make faces at us as we walk down the hall. People talk. Of course they do. But I barely hear them. They are kids, and it is high school. Their words don't stick. By the end of exams, I doubt anyone will even remember. Except for Grem of course, who takes any chance he can get to point out Eli's every flaw.

I take a good look at him as we pass. We roughed him up badly enough that Cassel took his spot on the team, which means nothing for now, but helps his chances for next year.

I wink and wrap my arm around Eli's waist.

"You ready?" He asks as we arrive at my first class.

I nod. "As I will ever be."

I kiss him gently. "Good luck."

. . .


The bell rings and I leave my test on the desk. I bite my lower lip.

"You think you did well?" I ask Cassel as he bumps his arm against mine.

"Not as well as you. What was it, midnight when you finally ate something?"

"Three, actually."

I did not sleep last night. Only the sheer amount of caffeine pounding through my veins kept me from feeling it. I take another sip of my coffee.

"What's next?"


I grimace.

"Come on, you'll do great."

"Don't say that," I order. "You'll jinx it."

Cassel laughs all the way to the next class.

. . .

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