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Eli doesn't show up to school the next day, or the one after that. Then a week passes and I still haven't seen him. Eventually the teacher's stop calling his name during attendance.

"He is coming," I say.

They just look at me sadly. Even they know about the video. Even they know he may not come back.

Only Miss Toussaints calls his name everyday, followed by her usual 'Do you have three things yet?' She's only met by silence, but it's better than nothing.

Cassel starts coming to school soon. I see him in the halls. Something is different about him, as if he too is reeling with what happened.

It makes me angry that no one picks on me. They are so busy bashing on Eli they barely remember I was in that video too. One day, I almost screamed, 'Why couldn't they leave him alone for just a second?' I keep my mouth shut though.

The principal suggests I see the guidance counselor, but I can't get halfway to the office before thinking I'm being selfish. It's Eli who needs someone to talk to, not me.

I drive to his house after school. Miss Ruewen opens the door.

"Juno," she says softly. She doesn't sound angry. "Come in. Would you like something to drink?"

I shake my head and follow her into the kitchen silently. "I'm sorry," I blurt out.

"For what?" she asks.

"Did Eli not tell you?"

"About the video? He did." She turns, handing me a glass of water. "Tell me Juno, did you film it?"

"No! Of course not."

"And do you know who did?" I shake my head. "Then the way I see it you are as much a victim as my son, and you have nothing to apologize for."

"T-Thank you, Miss Ruewen."

"He's upstairs." She smiles. "I assume you didn't just come to talk to me, did you?"

"Er- No. Not that your company isn't delightful it's just-"

She laughs and shakes her head. "Go, Juno."

I smile and dash up the stairs.

I knock gently on the door.

. . .


I open the door. "Hey," I say, slightly startled. Juno offers a gentle smile.

"Can I come in?"

I nod. I turn and fold in my legs on the chest at the end of my bed. "I didn't know you were coming." There might've been a time where I freaked out over Juno seeing me in my current state, but right now I can't bring myself to care.

"Sorry. I didn't think to text." He settles himself on the floor beside me, looking unfazed by my appearance. Slightly greasy hair and sweats. I cringe to even think about it.

"Thank you," I say softly. "For coming."

He nods. "I missed you."

"I haven't been around much, have I?"

"You're telling me." Juno looks me in the eye. "When are you coming back to school?"

"Er-" I look down at my hands. I had been dealing with the news myself for days. I had not quite had the chance to prepare myself to tell someone else. Especially if that someone was Juno. "I'm not."

"You're not?"

I nod shakily. "The circus is still going to perform here, but we have business in Ohio. My dad thinks he can find a place in the rural area."

Eli & JunoWhere stories live. Discover now