18- Saint Valentines

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We talk. A lot. Sometimes we're alone. Sometimes we're not.

It's amazing. Beautiful. Lovely. Marvellous. Stupendous. Every other synonym for heaven.

It's us.

. . .

"Happy Valentine's Day!" I say, holding out a coffee to Eli.

He grins. "I thought it was traditional to give flowers."

"Flowers are useless. They die. This you will like. Grande vanilla bean latte."

He takes a long sip. He smiles. "Definitely better than stupid roses."

"Who said anything about roses?"

He rolls his eyes and beckons me in. I shake my head.

"I have something planned. Come on."

Eli grabs a coat, and mittens. I snatch his hat from behind him, and pull it over his ears. He laughs and fixes his hair.

We awkwardly walk side by side for a moment, then Eli tucks himself under my arm. My heart skitters.

I slip my hand into Eli's, waiting to see if he'll pull away.

He laces his fingers with mine. A large smile spreads across his lips.

"So, where are we going?"

"To the place where I first realized I liked you." He tilts his head in confusion. "And where I learned the value of winter boots."

He snorts. "Okay."

The streets are abandoned

"Race you to the swings," I dare.

I bolt. Eli races behind me, and is hit in my heels as I sling myself into the better swing. "Take two, I win again."

"You're horrible."

"You're lovely."

He blushes. The red lights up the white scenery like a beacon. I grin.

We pump our legs, trying to see who can get more height.

I unloop one arm around the chain and reach across as we swing. Our fingers brush. Eli lets out a little laugh as we continue to miss, grappling for each other. Finally, I catch his hand, whipping us dangerously back and forth as the swings sync.

His elbow hits my leg, and the swings twist together. Our knees bump together, our ankles a tangled mess. I laugh as we spin.

I drag my feet along the ground, slowing us to a stop. "I got you another gift," I tell him.

Eli shakes his head at me. "No. No. You've given me enough."

I ignore him. I get up and circle behind the rink, ducking behind one of the slides. There's a large yellow toy bin. I flip open the lid.

"Juno, what are you doing?" Eli asks warily.

Bingo. I fish the gift out by the cords. Just where I left it.

I hold the gift behind my back. "You ready?"

Eli shifts nervously. "This isn't a bomb right?"

"I promise, I am not giving you a bomb." I hold out the gift. Dangling from my fingers is a perfect pair of hockey skates. "Tada!"

Eli gasps. "Juno... There lovely. But I didn't get you anything."

"I don't care." I really don't. "Your dad said these should be about your size. They're used, but they should work." I hold out my hand. "Eli Ruewen, are you ready to learn to skate?"

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