5- Saving Christmas

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I'm running. Warning shouts surround me, but I ignore them. Back facing the field, I

sprint. My legs pumping against the souring grass. Cool air stings my lungs. I haven't run this fast in years. But I am now.

Cupcake girl has no idea what's going on. The car driver can't see her either. The engine roars louder, making my cries useless. I run even faster.

My feet are slapping the pavement. Now some of the yelling is directed towards me now, telling me to stop or slow down. I tune them out. My vision tunnels so I can't see anything but the girl.

I run straight into her back. We both topple forwards. My elbow strikes the asphalt. Hard. Pain radiates up my arm. Heat shoots up my leg.

The car soars past us harmlessly.

I breathe out a sigh of relief. My binder strains around my torso. I wheeze in a breath, resisting the urge to pull at the straps.

French Girl pulls out her earbuds. She glances nervously at the students watching us. Some are clapping. I suddenly want nothing more than to take off running again.

Her cupcakes lay smeared on the pavement. A pink and yellow rainbow of chocolate sprinkles.

"I'm sorry. About knocking you over. And about your cupcakes. And about whoever that stupid driver is. Sorry, I shouldn't call them stupid. Who knows what's going on in their life- I um, are you alright?"

She nods. Her blond hair bobs. "Yeah, I think so. Thank you."

"No problem."

"I'm Noelle DePont." She says. She extends her hand.

I stare at it like it's carrying a mutant disease. She gives me an anxious look, like she's not sure if she's allowed to walk away or not after I just saved her life. She begins to draw it back. I take it at the last second.

"Eli Ruewen."

She laughs as I shake her hand. Her brown eyes are smiling. "Nice to meet you, Eli Ruewen. Thank you for saving my life."

"You are very welcome, Miss DePont."

She stands up, and brushes dirt off her plaid skirt. She fixes her salt and pepper cap, and smiles. She picks up my glasses, and frowns.

"These look a little scratched. I can pay for repairs if you'd like." She reaches for her little black backpack. I hold out a hand.

"Oh no, it's okay. They've been scratched forever."

"Why don't you get new ones?"

I give her a sheepish look. "I like the frames." I take them from her, and fix them on the bridge of my nose.

I stand up and cry out. More pain rushes to my leg.

"Are you okay?" She asks, reaching out to steady me. I latch on to her, forgetting to be embarrassed.

"Yeah I'm fine. Must've just rolled my ankle or something. I have a ride home." I scan the parking lot. The spot where I parked this morning is empty. "Or did."

I wince as I put weight in my foot. I de attach myself from Noelle. "I'm fine. Really. The bus stop isn't too far from here, is it?"

Noelle shakes her head. "Don't be ridiculous. I have a car. I'll drive you."

"You will?"

"Of course. That's what friends do."

"We're friends?"

"Do you always ask such stupid questions, Eli?" She nods across the lot. "My cars on the other side. Do you think you can walk?"

"Yes," I say immediately, followed by, "probably not."

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