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You know

I had the strangest dream last night

A dream that I met a girl online

All the way from halfway across the world

Someone who I had never seen in my entire life

Someone who I never spoke with

Someone who I never even knew existed

Literally halfway across the earth

Seven-billion people on this planet

And for whatever reason

For whatever purpose

For whatever cause

We started talking one day in the dream


And messaging...

And messaging...

At first in the dream, it was basic questions

Like where we were from

What we enjoyed doing

How we came to meet

It seemed like she had a million questions for me

It was almost overwhelming

Considering at this point in our relationship I was rather closed off

I even made a silly joke in the dream that she should be a reporter

From all the answers I had to constantly come up with

I remember quite clearly that she found that funny

As time went on in the dream, I slowly opened up to her

Like a flower blooming in the spring

One day she eventually convinced me to do a picture swap

And so I did

I sent her an old picture of my junior year high school photo

She told me that she was surprised

As I didn't resemble the negative attributes and aura that I had built online

And that I looked like a soft, gentle soul

At the time I didn't believe her

But I decided to keep this developing friendship going

As time went on in the dream, I started getting more comfortable with this girl

I began sending her silly videos of me that would make her laugh

At least those were the kinds of messages I'd get back from her

At this point, the two of us were now messaging on a daily basis

Yet sometimes we'd be in different time zones and would have to reply later

Considering she and I were on the opposite side of the world

Keep in mind we never once verbally talked with one another in the dream

Not a single time

No live communication

We did send each other audios or random, joking videos

I teased her when I heard her strong accent

She told me she hated her accent

But even though I teased her, I assured her that it really wasn't that bad

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