Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10

"I'm not sure about this." Lady Penelope commented with a crinkle of a frown. A maid clad in an attire of blue and white hovered to the countess's left, pouring tea into her cup. Felix sat across from her bit into a butter croissant. "But then again, it is too late to prohibit Callista from going, is it?"

"I daresay it is indeed too late, my lady." Felix set his half eaten croissant down to favour a small slice of apple pie. "Not after we've employed the help of Mrs. Applewhite over there."

Lady Penelope's eyes roamed the expanse of the vast lawn to spot a stooping figure waddling towards the shelter of the gazebo where they were enjoying their afternoon tea. It was such a fine weather out and Callista, in her growing joy of departing for Denmark, had suggested having their tea out in the garden.

Lady Penelope's frown deepened as Mrs. Applewhite approaches the gazebo and Felix took notice of the countess's wariness.

"Oh, please do not worry my lady. I guarantee that Mrs. Applewhite is quite capable to act as chaperone for their journey to Denmark. She was Rafe's own governess when he was a boy, did you know?"  

Lady Penelope sipped her tea and nodded when she set the porcelain chine down. Yes, she remembered old Mrs. Applewhite from Raphael's frequent visits to Kent long ago. She was old then too, though her back did not use to stoop so low, nor did she had to employ the help of a cane to walk. Goodness knew why his lordship saw it fit to entrust the service of a wispy old woman with deteriorating eye sight and even worst hearing with his son's education. But bless her; she had vigor of a person half her age. Lady Penelope was quick to remember how Mrs. Applewhite used to drag a eight year old Rafe to his lessons, him squirming and screaming all the way to the classroom.

"Yes, I am well aware of that fact. However, I am merely concerned with uh... the state of Mrs. Applewhite's health. Surely, for a person of her age... voyages would not be too kind on her health."

Felix paused and turned to watch Mrs. Applewhite's progress of crossing the vast green lawn to reach the gazebo with concerned eyes. "Her late husband used to be a merchant, so Rafe had informed me, who frequented the port of Cork in Ireland. The sea would not bother her so much, I wager. Besides, they would be travelling in one of His Grace Lord Thornton's leisure boat." Felix nodded again in assurance. "The young Duke of Arden's ships are of the best! Why, early this summer it was favoured by the prince regent himself. Rented the entire ship for the better half the year, His Grace did, when he travelled to Ireland."

"Well, if you say so, sir." A small smile touched the countess of Lancaster's lips. She threw her gaze out to the lawn again, this time focusing on the figure of her daughter, clad in white, engaged in a game of fetch with Mrs. Applewhite's golden retriever. The sound of her merry laughter could be heard all the way across the greens.

The clanking sound of a cane announced the arrival of Mrs. Applewhite. The small old woman seated herself and unceremoniously barked for tea with lemon and honey in it.


The west tower was the oldest building in Greystone, built back in the sixteen hundreds when the castle were home to the Barons of Ecthelions, before they were granted the earldom by the King. The west tower was old, its surface was wreathed by ivy and the top was crowned with whether beaten stone gargoyles. Shafts of sunlight poured through arrow holes. The stairs spiralling up the tower was covered with dusts and its walls speckled with cobwebs, evidence from centuries of neglect. But the medieval craftsmanship endured, and the stone stairs were still sturdy. Raphael noted all of these as he inspected the old tower, his mind planning restorations for the historic piece of structure.

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