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Akira's POV

"I like...t-that bird! Yes, the bird, the bird! What else would I be talking about?" Venti rambles nervously as we sit together in the hands of the Barbatos statue.

I furrow my brows. What's up with him today. He keeps doing that. Saying "I like" then a minute later after stuttering saying a random thing he sees with bright red cheeks.

"I like," after working up the confidence, I cut Venti off and say what I've always wanted to with a pounding heart.


He gawks at me, opening and closing his mouth like a fish trying to breathe air.

I laugh airily, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear. "Is that what you've been trying to say?"

He gulps, then nods. " stupid. A bard that makes love poems all day can't even confess his love to the one he loves most."

Now it's my turn to blush. His words echo in my head. the one he loves most.

I grab for his hand, turning back towards the view of the bustling citizens of Mondstadt.

『Reincarnated as a Slime』Genshin Impact Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now