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      Haruto, I'm sure you would love the books in this world.


     The twigs in my hand went tumbling to the dirt, landing in a puddle. I stare at them in disbelief.

   I'd spent the last twenty minutes gathering them for a fire for Bennett and I. It was incredibly hard considering my broken arm.

   I heaved a sigh and trudged back to where the said green eyed boy was, feeling defeated.

   He was laying on a pile of leaves, half awake. Maybe his bad luck caused me to drop the twigs..

   I walked up to him and sat down. Bennett took notice of me and rolled over to face me. I shivered from the cold.

   "Akira, what's wrong?" he mumbles sleepily, rubbing his eyes. I give him a half hearted smile. I just can't tell a cute boy like him I ruined our only chance of having a warm night.

The moon was already rising and I could see twinkling stars appearing. "Nothing."

Then I get an idea. I lay down next to Bennett and wrap my arms around his slim waist, being careful with my broken one.

His eyes widen and a dark blush rises to his cheeks, barely visible in the night. Bennett's mouth falls open.


Bennett's POV

My heart is thumping widely, as my face is an inch away from hers. Her yellow eyes are already closed, so I take a moment to admire how delicate her features are.

The way her eyes droop slightly. The fullness of her pink lips. Perfect. Everything about her is just...perfect.

Suddenly I feel I am lacking something. It feels as if there is a hole in my hear and Akira is the only one who can fill it.

I take a deep breath and wrap my own arms around her, and we're in a tight, warm embrace.

This would be the best experience of my life if I wasn't terrified of hurting her with my terrible luck.

No. Now is not the time to worry about that. I should enjoy this while it lasts.

I bury my face in the crook of her neck and breath in her intoxicating sweet scent.

Suddenly I realize I might be making her uncomfortable and pull away instantly.

I relax a little when I see she is fast asleep.


Akira's POV



...What is that noise? I open my eyes to see Bennett's back facing away from me.

Ours legs are tangled, but I carefully pull away to investigate the noise.

I get on my feet and scan the area wearily. My eyes land on a person facing away from us with spiky silver hair. The person's Electro Vision glistens in the sunrise.

They are facing a horde of large Hydro Slimes. I wince when their claymore pierces one of the smaller slimes. Would they kill me like that if I showed my true form?

The thought makes me fish the container of pills from my pocket and quickly swallow one.

I spend a moment longer staring at the mysterious person and decide they are a male that needs help.

『Reincarnated as a Slime』Genshin Impact Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now