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                 Lumine has entered your world.


I continued to roam between the grape vines until I heard a strange noise from above me.

I tilted my head up to be met with the sight of something bright yellow shooting across the sky.

Aren't those shooting stars or something? I never really paid attention in science, as with my other classes.

That's when I caught sight of white fabric hanging off the shooting star. Shooting stars don't wear clothes.. so that's a..


In panic, I glanced to Diluc and back at the sky.

No, I have no time to ask Diluc to go with me.


My legs pumped rapidly as I tried to track where it went. My breathing was uneven and erratic by the time I reached the edge of a long beach. The ocean was sparkling in the sun as it hit the shore in waves. Crabs and lizards scurried across the hot sand.

I slowly worked my way further onto the beach, searching for any signs of life that wasn't the beach animals.

That's when I saw the same white fabric from earlier in the corner of my eye, billowing in the wind.

I instantly ran to them, crouching beside their figure. They were passed out and looking beat up, which was expected if you just fell from the sky.

I frowned and brushed away a piece of blonde hair from their angelic face.

How are they not more injured?

I took a moment to actually take in their appearance.

   They were a female with short blonde hair that fit in with her fair skin. A sleeveless white dress clung to her slender body, a scarf wrapped around her neck.

   While her features were easy on the eyes, my focus was directed on the several cuts and bruises that littered her face and arms. Almost as if she had just been through an intense battle..

  I was about to wipe away some blood from her cheek when the blonde's stunning golden eyes fluttered open.

  "Wha-," she stopped when her eyes landed on me, crouched down beside her. Her expression morphed into one of confusion.

  I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck, thinking of what to say. I suppose telling her my name would be the safe choice.

   "I'm Akira. You are?" I question, trying to sound friendly. She scanned my face for any sort of malice and sighed when she found none.

The blonde pushed herself into a sitting position. "Lumine. Where are we?" she asked, fiddling with the hem of her dress.

I racked my brain, trying to remember what this beach was called. I came up short as I didn't really know much about Teyvat, aside from what Albedo taught me.

In the end I went with the simple, more obvious answer. "We're in Teyvat," I answer, "Why? Do you not remember anything?"

Lumine opened her mouth to answer, but her face contorted in horror. Her hands covered her mouth.

Worry filled my body as I grabbed one of her hands, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Lumine?" I say cautiously.

Tears run down her face, landing on her lap.

『Reincarnated as a Slime』Genshin Impact Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now